InsertQuery |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
General class for an abstracted INSERT query. |
DeleteQuery |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
General class for an abstracted DELETE operation. |
TruncateQuery |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
General class for an abstracted TRUNCATE operation. |
UpdateQuery |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
General class for an abstracted UPDATE operation. |
MergeQuery |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
General class for an abstracted MERGE query operation. |
DatabaseCondition |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Generic class for a series of conditions in a query. |
SelectQueryExtender |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
The base extender class for Select queries. |
SelectQuery |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Query builder for SELECT statements. |
DatabaseStatementPrefetch |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
An implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface that prefetches all data. |
DatabaseConnection |
abstract class |
core/includes/database/ |
Base Database API class. |
Database |
abstract class |
core/includes/database/ |
Primary front-controller for the database system. |
DatabaseTransactionNoActiveException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception for when popTransaction() is called with no active transaction. |
DatabaseTransactionNameNonUniqueException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown when a savepoint or transaction name occurs twice. |
DatabaseTransactionCommitFailedException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown when a commit() function fails. |
DatabaseTransactionExplicitCommitNotAllowedException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception to deny attempts to explicitly manage transactions. |
DatabaseTransactionOutOfOrderException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown when a rollback() resulted in other active transactions being rolled-back. |
InvalidMergeQueryException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown for merge queries that do not make semantic sense. |
FieldsOverlapException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if an insert query specifies a field twice. |
NoFieldsException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if an insert query doesn't specify insert or default fields. |
DatabaseConnectionNotDefinedException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if an undefined database connection is requested. |
DatabaseDriverNotSpecifiedException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if no driver is specified for a database connection. |
DatabaseTransaction |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
A wrapper class for creating and managing database transactions. |
DatabaseStatementBase |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Default implementation of DatabaseStatementInterface. |
DatabaseStatementEmpty |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Empty implementation of a database statement. |
DatabaseSchema |
abstract class |
core/includes/database/ |
Base class for database schema definitions. |
DatabaseSchemaObjectExistsException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if an object being created already exists. |
DatabaseSchemaObjectDoesNotExistException |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Exception thrown if an object being modified doesn't exist yet. |
DatabaseLog |
class |
core/includes/database/ |
Database query logger. |
TranslationTestCase |
class |
core/modules/translation/tests/translation.test |
Functional tests for the Translation module. |
views_handler_filter_node_tnid_child |
class |
core/modules/translation/views/ |
Filter by whether the node is not the original translation. |
views_handler_field_node_translation_link |
class |
core/modules/translation/views/ |
Field handler to present a link to the node. |
views_handler_field_node_link_translate |
class |
core/modules/translation/views/ |
Field handler to present a link node translate. |
views_handler_filter_node_tnid |
class |
core/modules/translation/views/ |
Filter by whether the node is the original translation. |
views_handler_relationship_translation |
class |
core/modules/translation/views/ |
Handles relationships for content translation sets and provides multiple
options. |
views_handler_argument_node_tnid |
class |
core/modules/translation/views/ |
Argument handler to accept a node translation id. |
UpdateTestHelper |
class |
core/modules/update/tests/update.test |
Defines some shared functions used by all update tests. |
UpdateCoreTestCase |
class |
core/modules/update/tests/update.test |
UpdateTestContribCase |
class |
core/modules/update/tests/update.test |
UpdateCoreUnitTestCase |
class |
core/modules/update/tests/update.test |
Tests update functionality unrelated to the database. |
ViewsUiNodeViewsWizard |
class |
core/modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_node_views_wizard.php |
Tests creating node views with the wizard. |
ViewsUiNodeRevisionViewsWizard |
class |
core/modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_node_revision_views_wizard.php |
Tests creating node revision views with the wizard. |
ViewsWizardException |
class |
core/modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_base_views_wizard.php |
A custom exception class for our errors. |
ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard |
class |
core/modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_base_views_wizard.php |
A very generic Views Wizard class - can be constructed for any base table. |
ViewsUiUsersViewsWizard |
class |
core/modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_users_views_wizard.php |
Tests creating user views with the wizard. |
ViewsUiCommentViewsWizard |
class |
core/modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_comment_views_wizard.php |
Tests creating comment views with the wizard. |
ViewsUiFileManagedViewsWizard |
class |
core/modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_file_managed_views_wizard.php |
Tests creating managed files views with the wizard. |
ViewsUiTaxonomyTermViewsWizard |
class |
core/modules/views_ui/wizards/views_ui_taxonomy_term_views_wizard.php |
Tests creating taxonomy views with the wizard. |
FieldTestCase |
class |
core/modules/field/tests/field.test |
Parent class for Field API tests. |
FieldAttachTestCase |
class |
core/modules/field/tests/field.test |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase |
class |
core/modules/field/tests/field.test |
Unit test class for storage-related field_attach_* functions. |