- <?php
- * @file
- * Definition of ViewsUiCommentViewsWizard.
- */
- * Tests creating comment views with the wizard.
- */
- class ViewsUiCommentViewsWizard extends ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard {
- protected function row_style_options($type) {
- $options = array();
- $options['comment'] = t('comments');
- $options['fields'] = t('fields');
- return $options;
- }
- protected function build_form_style(&$form, &$form_state, $type) {
- parent::build_form_style($form, $form_state, $type);
- $style_form =& $form['displays'][$type]['options']['style'];
- if (!isset($style_form['row_plugin']['#default_value'])) {
- return;
- }
- $row_plugin = $style_form['row_plugin']['#default_value'];
- switch ($row_plugin) {
- case 'comment':
- $style_form['row_options']['links'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title_display' => 'invisible',
- '#title' => t('Should links be displayed below each comment'),
- '#options' => array(
- 1 => t('with links (allow users to reply to the comment, etc.)'),
- 0 => t('without links'),
- ),
- '#default_value' => 1,
- );
- break;
- }
- }
- protected function page_display_options($form, $form_state) {
- $display_options = parent::page_display_options($form, $form_state);
- $row_plugin = isset($form_state['values']['page']['style']['row_plugin']) ? $form_state['values']['page']['style']['row_plugin'] : NULL;
- $row_options = isset($form_state['values']['page']['style']['row_options']) ? $form_state['values']['page']['style']['row_options'] : array();
- $this->display_options_row($display_options, $row_plugin, $row_options);
- return $display_options;
- }
- protected function block_display_options($form, $form_state) {
- $display_options = parent::block_display_options($form, $form_state);
- $row_plugin = isset($form_state['values']['block']['style']['row_plugin']) ? $form_state['values']['block']['style']['row_plugin'] : NULL;
- $row_options = isset($form_state['values']['block']['style']['row_options']) ? $form_state['values']['block']['style']['row_options'] : array();
- $this->display_options_row($display_options, $row_plugin, $row_options);
- return $display_options;
- }
- * Set the row style and row style plugins to the display_options.
- */
- protected function display_options_row(&$display_options, $row_plugin, $row_options) {
- switch ($row_plugin) {
- case 'comment':
- $display_options['row_plugin'] = 'comment';
- $display_options['row_options']['links'] = !empty($row_options['links']);
- break;
- }
- }
- protected function default_display_options($form, $form_state) {
- $display_options = parent::default_display_options($form, $form_state);
- $display_options['access']['type'] = 'perm';
- $display_options['access']['perm'] = 'access comments';
- $display_options['relationships']['nid']['id'] = 'nid';
- $display_options['relationships']['nid']['table'] = 'comment';
- $display_options['relationships']['nid']['field'] = 'nid';
- $display_options['relationships']['nid']['required'] = 1;
- unset($display_options['fields']);
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['id'] = 'subject';
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['table'] = 'comment';
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['field'] = 'subject';
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['label'] = '';
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['alter']['alter_text'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['alter']['make_link'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['alter']['absolute'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['alter']['trim'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['alter']['word_boundary'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['alter']['ellipsis'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['alter']['strip_tags'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['alter']['html'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['hide_empty'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['empty_zero'] = 0;
- $display_options['fields']['subject']['link_to_comment'] = 1;
- return $display_options;
- }
- }