FieldBlockTestCase |
class |
core/modules/field/tests/field.test |
Test the field blocks and their display of different formatters. |
FieldBlock |
class |
core/modules/field/ |
FieldBlock extends Block |
FieldAttachTestCase |
class |
core/modules/field/tests/field.test |
FieldAttachStorageTestCase |
class |
core/modules/field/tests/field.test |
Unit test class for storage-related field_attach_* functions. |
FieldAttachOtherTestCase |
class |
core/modules/field/tests/field.test |
Unit test class for non-storage related field_attach_* functions. |
FeedIconTest |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/common.test |
Test for theme_feed_icon(). |
FakeRecord |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test |
Dummy class for fetching into a class. |
EvalMathStack |
class |
core/includes/ |
EvalMath |
class |
core/includes/ |
EntityStorageException |
class |
core/modules/entity/ |
Defines an exception thrown when storage operations fail. |
EntityStorageControllerInterface |
interface |
core/modules/entity/ |
Defines a common interface for entity storage controllers. |
entityreference_plugin_style |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/views/ |
Handler for entityreference_plugin_style. |
entityreference_plugin_row_fields |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/views/ |
Handler for entityreference_plugin_row_fields. |
entityreference_plugin_display |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/views/ |
Handler for entityreference_plugin_display. |
EntityReferenceTaxonomyTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.taxonomy.test |
Test for Entity Reference taxonomy integration. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerViews |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Entity handler for Views. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerInterface |
interface |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Abstraction of the selection logic of an entity reference field. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_user |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the User entity type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_taxonomy_term |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the Taxonomy term entity type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_node |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the Node type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_file |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the File entity type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric_comment |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Override for the Comment entity type. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerGeneric |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
Generic Entity handler. |
EntityReferenceSelectionHandlerBroken |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/selection/ |
A null implementation of EntityReferenceSelectionHandler. |
EntityReferenceRecursiveRenderingException |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/includes/ |
@class Exception class used to throw error if the entity view renderer goes
into a potentially infinite loop. |
EntityReferenceHandlersTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.handlers.test |
Test for Entity Reference handlers. |
EntityReferenceFormTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.form.test |
Test for Entity Reference form. |
EntityReferenceFieldTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.field.test |
Tests for the Entity Reference field. |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerViewsFilterSelect |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerTaxonomyIndex |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
Extends an entityreference field to maintain its references to taxonomy terms
in the {taxonomy_index} table. |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerInterface |
interface |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
Additional behaviors for a Entity Reference field. |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerBroken |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
A broken implementation of EntityReferenceBehaviorHandler. |
EntityReferenceBehaviorHandler |
abstract class |
core/modules/entityreference/plugins/behavior/ |
An abstract implementation of EntityReferenceBehaviorHandlerInterface. |
EntityReferenceAdminTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entityreference/tests/entityreference.admin.test |
Test for Entity Reference admin UI. |
EntityMalformedException |
class |
core/modules/entity/ |
Defines an exception thrown when a malformed entity is passed. |
EntityLoadTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entity/tests/entity_crud.test |
Tests the entity_load() function. |
EntityLayoutContext |
class |
core/modules/layout/plugins/context/ |
Layout context handler for entities. |
EntityInterface |
interface |
core/modules/entity/ |
Defines a common interface for all entity objects. |
EntityIDLayoutAccess |
class |
core/modules/layout/plugins/access/ |
Plugin to provide access control based upon entity ID. |
EntityFieldQueryTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entity/tests/entity_query.test |
Tests EntityFieldQuery. |
EntityFieldQueryException |
class |
core/modules/entity/ |
Exception thrown by EntityFieldQuery() on unsupported query syntax. |
EntityFieldQuery |
class |
core/modules/entity/ |
Retrieves entities matching a given set of conditions. |
EntityExampleTestCase |
class |
modules/examples/entity_example/tests/entity_example.test |
Functionality tests for entity example module. |
EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface |
interface |
modules/examples/entity_example/ |
EntityExampleBasicControllerInterface definition. |
EntityExampleBasicController |
class |
modules/examples/entity_example/ |
EntityExampleBasicController extends BackdropDefaultEntityController. |
EntityExampleBasic |
class |
modules/examples/entity_example/ |
EntityExampleBasic extends Entity. |
EntityDatabaseStorageController |
class |
core/modules/entity/ |
Implements the entity storage controller interface for the database. |
EntityCrudHookTestCase |
class |
core/modules/entity/tests/entity_crud_hook_test.test |
Tests invocation of hooks when performing an action. |
EntityControllerInterface |
interface |
core/modules/entity/ |
Defines a common interface for entity controller classes. |
EntityBundleLayoutAccess |
class |
core/modules/layout/plugins/access/ |
Plugin to provide access control based upon entity bundle. |