_field_info_prepare_extra_fields |
core/modules/field/field.info.inc |
Prepares 'extra fields' for the current run-time context. |
_field_info_collate_types_reset |
core/modules/field/field.info.inc |
Clear collated information on field and widget types and related structures. |
_field_info_collate_types |
core/modules/field/field.info.inc |
Collates all information on field types, widget types and related structures. |
_field_info_collate_fields_reset |
core/modules/field/field.info.inc |
Clear collated information on existing fields and instances. |
_field_info_collate_fields |
core/modules/field/field.info.inc |
Collates all information on existing fields and instances. |
_field_form_state_parents |
core/modules/field/field.form.inc |
Returns the location of processing information within $form_state. |
_field_filter_xss_display_allowed_tags |
core/modules/field/field.module |
Human-readable list of tags allowed tags by field_filter_xss(), for display
in help texts. |
_field_filter_xss_allowed_tags |
core/modules/field/field.module |
List of tags allowed by field_filter_xss(). |
_field_filter_items |
core/modules/field/field.module |
Helper function to filter out empty field values. |
_field_extra_fields_pre_render |
core/modules/field/field.module |
Pre-render callback to adjust weights and visibility of non-field elements. |
_field_example_page |
modules/examples/field_example/field_example.module |
A simple page to explain to the developer what to do. |
_field_create_entity_from_ids |
core/modules/field/field.module |
Assembles a partial entity structure with initial IDs. |
_entityreference_selection_plugins |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Get all selection plugins implemented by any module. |
_entityreference_preprocess_set_title_display |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Pass title display setting to templates. |
_entityreference_get_behavior_handler |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Get the behavior handler for a given entityreference field and instance. |
_entityreference_get_behavior_elements |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Get the field or instance elements for the field configuration. |
_entityreference_form_process_merge_parent |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Custom callback for element processing. |
_entityreference_field_settings_validate |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Implements hook_validate(). |
_entityreference_field_settings_process |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Callback for custom element processing. |
_entityreference_field_settings_ajax_process_element |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Helper function for custom ajax processing. |
_entityreference_field_settings_ajax_process |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Custom callback for ajax processing. |
_entityreference_field_instance_settings_validate |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Implements hook_validate(). |
_entityreference_field_instance_settings_form |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Implements hook_field_settings_form(). |
_entityreference_element_validate_filter |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Helper function to remove blank elements. |
_entityreference_behavior_plugins |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Get all behavior plugins implemented by any module. |
_entityreference_autocomplete_validate |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Implements hook_validate(). |
_entityreference_autocomplete_tags_validate |
core/modules/entityreference/entityreference.module |
Implements hook_validate(). |
_deprecated_redirect_test_page |
core/modules/system/tests/deprecated_redirect_test/deprecated_redirect_test.module |
_db_is_replica |
core/includes/database/database.inc |
Check if a database has been specified as a replica. |
_dblog_get_message_types |
core/modules/dblog/dblog.module |
Gathers a list of uniquely defined database log message types. |
_date_views_fields |
core/modules/date/views/date_views_fields.inc |
Identify all potential date/timestamp fields. |
_date_popup_time_granularity |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Date popup time granularity. |
_date_popup_time_formats |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Allowable time formats. |
_date_popup_time_format |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Date popup time format. |
_date_popup_process_time_part |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Process the time portion of the element. |
_date_popup_process_date_part |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Process the date portion of the element. |
_date_popup_format_to_popup_time |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Recreate a time format string so it has the values popup expects. |
_date_popup_format_to_popup |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Recreate a date format string so it has the values popup expects. |
_date_popup_date_granularity |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Date popup date granularity. |
_date_popup_date_format |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Date popup date format. |
_date_popup_datepicker_format_replacements |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
The format replacement patterns for the new datepicker. |
_date_html5_get_form_value |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Prepare values from database for the widget form. |
_date_html5_get_default_value |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Helper function to return default values as expected by the form item. |
_date_html5_get_date_limits |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Helper function to get widget settings for date limits. |
_date_html5_get_attributes |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Helper function to construct form item attributes. |
_date_html5_format_value_db |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Helper function to return a formatted date string. |
_date_html5_field_widget_settings_form |
core/modules/date/date.admin.inc |
Custom callback to provide the HTML5 widget settings form. |
_date_html5_field_widget_form |
core/modules/date/date.elements.inc |
Helper for the HTML5 widget form. |
_date_field_widget_settings_form |
core/modules/date/date.admin.inc |
Helper function for date_field_widget_settings_form(). |
_date_field_settings_form |
core/modules/date/date.admin.inc |
Helper function for date_field_settings_form(). |