File name Locationsort descending Description
batch_example.install modules/examples/batch_example/batch_example.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the batch_example module.
batch_example.module modules/examples/batch_example/batch_example.module Hook implementations for the Batch Example module.
batch_example.test modules/examples/batch_example/tests/batch_example.test Test case for Testing the batch example module. modules/examples/batch_example/tests/ [BatchExampleTestCase] name = Batch example functionality description = Tests batch functionality. group = Example modules file = batch_example.test modules/examples/block_example/ modules/examples/block_example/ name = Block Example description = An example outlining how a module can define blocks. dependencies[] = block package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
block_example.module modules/examples/block_example/block_example.module Hook implementations for the Block Example module.
block_example.test modules/examples/block_example/tests/block_example.test Test case for testing the block example module. modules/examples/block_example/tests/ [BlockExampleTestCase] name = Block example functionality description = Test the configuration options and blocks created by Block Example module. group = Example modules file = block_example.test modules/examples/cache_example/ name = Cache Example description = An example outlining how to use the cache API. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
cache_example.module modules/examples/cache_example/cache_example.module Hooks implementation for the Cache Example module.
cache_example.test modules/examples/cache_example/tests/cache_example.test Test case for testing the cache example module. modules/examples/cache_example/tests/ [CacheExampleTestCase] name = Cache example functionality description = Tests cache functionality. group = Example modules file = cache_example.test
contextual-links-example-object.tpl.php modules/examples/contextual_links_example/contextual-links-example-object.tpl.php Default theme implementation: Display a sample object with contextual links. modules/examples/contextual_links_example/ name = Contextual Links Example description = Demonstrates how to use contextual links to enhance the user experience. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
contextual_links_example.module modules/examples/contextual_links_example/contextual_links_example.module Hooks implementations for the Contextual Links Example module.
contextual_links_example.test modules/examples/contextual_links_example/tests/contextual_links_example.test Functional tests for the contextual_links_example module. modules/examples/contextual_links_example/tests/ [ContextualLinksExampleTestCase] name = Contextual Links example functionality description = Tests the behavior of the contextual links provided by the Contextual links example module. group = Example modules file = contextual_links_example.test modules/examples/cron_example/ name = Cron Example description = Demonstrates hook_cron() and related features. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
cron_example.install modules/examples/cron_example/cron_example.install Installs, updates, and uninstalls cron_example.
cron_example.module modules/examples/cron_example/cron_example.module Hook implementations for the Cron Example module.
cron_example.test modules/examples/cron_example/tests/cron_example.test Test case for testing the cron example module. modules/examples/cron_example/tests/ [CronExampleTestCase] name = Cron example functionality description = Tests cron functionality. group = Example modules file = cron_example.test modules/examples/database_example/ name = Database Example description = An example module showing how to use the database API. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
database_example.install modules/examples/database_example/database_example.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the Database Example module.
database_example.module modules/examples/database_example/database_example.module Hook implementations for the Database Example module.
database_example.test modules/examples/database_example/tests/database_example.test SimpleTests for the Database Example module. modules/examples/database_example/tests/ [DatabaseExampleUnitTestCase] name = Database Example functionality description = Various unit tests on the Database Example module. group = Example modules file = database_example.test modules/examples/email_example/ name = Email Example description = Demonstrate how to use the email APIs. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
email_example.module modules/examples/email_example/email_example.module Hook implementations for the Email Example module.
email_example.test modules/examples/email_example/tests/email_example.test Simpletest case for email_example module. modules/examples/email_example/tests/ [EmailExampleTestCase] name = Email example functionality description = Verify email submission using the contact form. group = Example modules file = email_example.test modules/examples/entity_example/ modules/examples/entity_example/ name = Entity Example description = A simple example showing the main steps required to set up a custom entity. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module dependencies[] = field configure =…
entity_example.install modules/examples/entity_example/entity_example.install Install for a basic entity - need to create the base table for our entity. This table can have as many columns as you need to keep track of entity-specific data that will not be added via attached fields. The minimum information for the entity to work…
entity_example.module modules/examples/entity_example/entity_example.module Hook implementations for the Entity Example module.
entity_example.test modules/examples/entity_example/tests/entity_example.test Tests for entity_example module. modules/examples/entity_example/tests/ [EntityExampleTestCase] name = Entity example functionality description = Tests entity functionality. group = Example modules file = entity_example.test
examples.index.php modules/examples/examples.index.php Example modules modules/examples/ name = Examples for Developers description = A variety of example modules to learn from and hack upon. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
examples.module modules/examples/examples.module This file serves as a stub file for the many example modules in the Examples for Developers project.
field_example.css modules/examples/field_example/field_example.css CSS for Field Example. modules/examples/field_example/ name = Field Example description = An implementation of a field to show how to use the field API. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
field_example.install modules/examples/field_example/field_example.install Install, update, and uninstall functions for the field_example module.
field_example.module modules/examples/field_example/field_example.module Hook implementations for the Field Example module.
field_example.test modules/examples/field_example/tests/field_example.test Tests for Field Example. modules/examples/field_example/tests/ [FieldExampleTest] name = Field example functionality description = Create a content type with example_field_rgb fields, create a node, check for correct values. group = Example modules file = field_example.test
field_permission_example.css modules/examples/field_permission_example/field_permission_example.css CSS for Field Example. modules/examples/field_permission_example/ name = Field Permission Example description = An example for a fieldnote field with permissions. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
field_permission_example.install modules/examples/field_permission_example/field_permission_example.install Install function for the field_permission_example module.
