1 user.module | user_account_form_validate($form, &$form_state) |
Form validation handler for user_account_form().
See also
- core/
modules/ user/ user.module, line 1101 - Enables the user registration and login system.
function user_account_form_validate($form, &$form_state) {
$account = $form['#user'];
$mail = $form_state['values']['mail'];
// Validate new or changing username.
if (isset($form_state['values']['name'])) {
$name = $form_state['values']['name'];
if ($error = user_validate_name($name)) {
form_set_error('name', $error);
// Cast the user ID as an integer. It might have been set to NULL, which
// could lead to unexpected results.
else {
$name_taken = (bool) db_select('users')
->fields('users', array('uid'))
->condition('uid', (int) $account->uid, '<>')
->condition('name', db_like($name), 'LIKE')
->range(0, 1)
if ($name_taken) {
form_set_error('name', t('The name %name is already taken.', array('%name' => $name)));
// Check whether the user name provided is an email address. If so, make
// sure it matches the mail value.
if (config('system.core')->get('user_email_match') && (valid_email_address($name))) {
if ($name !== $mail) {
form_set_error('name', t('An email address was provided as a username, but does not match the account email address.'));
if (!empty($mail)) {
$mail_taken = (bool) db_select('users')
->fields('users', array('uid'))
->condition('uid', (int) $account->uid, '<>')
->condition('mail', db_like($mail), 'LIKE')
->range(0, 1)
if ($mail_taken) {
// Format error message dependent on whether the user is logged in or not.
if ($GLOBALS['user']->uid) {
form_set_error('mail', t('The email address %email is already taken.', array('%email' => $mail)));
else {
form_set_error('mail', t('The email address %email is already registered. <a href="@password">Have you forgotten your password?</a>', array('%email' => $mail, '@password' => url('user/password'))));
// Make sure the signature isn't longer than the size of the database field.
// Signatures are disabled by default, so make sure it exists first.
if (isset($form_state['values']['signature'])) {
// Move text format for user signature into 'signature_format'.
$form_state['values']['signature_format'] = $form_state['values']['signature']['format'];
// Move text value for user signature into 'signature'.
$form_state['values']['signature'] = $form_state['values']['signature']['value'];
$user_schema = backdrop_get_schema('users');
if (backdrop_strlen($form_state['values']['signature']) > $user_schema['fields']['signature']['length']) {
form_set_error('signature', t('The signature is too long: it must be %max characters or less.', array('%max' => $user_schema['fields']['signature']['length'])));