- <?php
- * @file
- * Various unicode handling tests.
- */
- * Test unicode handling features implemented in unicode.inc.
- */
- class UnicodeUnitTest extends BackdropUnitTestCase {
- * Whether to run the extended version of the tests (including non latin1 characters).
- *
- * @var boolean
- */
- protected $extendedMode = FALSE;
- * Test full unicode features implemented using the mbstring extension.
- */
- function testMbStringUnicode() {
- global $multibyte;
- if ($multibyte == UNICODE_SINGLEBYTE) {
- $this->error(t('Unable to test Multibyte features: mbstring extension was not detected.'));
- }
- $multibyte = UNICODE_MULTIBYTE;
- $this->extendedMode = TRUE;
- $this->pass(t('Testing in mbstring mode'));
- $this->helperTestStrToLower();
- $this->helperTestStrToUpper();
- $this->helperTestUcFirst();
- $this->helperTestStrLen();
- $this->helperTestSubStr();
- $this->helperTestTruncate();
- }
- * Test emulated unicode features.
- */
- function testEmulatedUnicode() {
- global $multibyte;
- $multibyte = UNICODE_SINGLEBYTE;
- $this->extendedMode = FALSE;
- $this->pass(t('Testing in emulated (best-effort) mode'));
- $this->helperTestStrToLower();
- $this->helperTestStrToUpper();
- $this->helperTestUcFirst();
- $this->helperTestStrLen();
- $this->helperTestSubStr();
- $this->helperTestTruncate();
- }
- function helperTestStrToLower() {
- $testcase = array(
- 'tHe QUIcK bRoWn' => 'the quick brown',
- 'FrançAIS is ÜBER-åwesome' => 'français is über-åwesome',
- );
- if ($this->extendedMode) {
- $testcase['ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΣὨ'] = 'αβγδεζηθικλμνξοσὠ';
- }
- foreach ($testcase as $input => $output) {
- $this->assertEqual(backdrop_strtolower($input), $output, format_string('%input is lowercased as %output', array('%input' => $input, '%output' => $output)));
- }
- }
- function helperTestStrToUpper() {
- $testcase = array(
- 'tHe QUIcK bRoWn' => 'THE QUICK BROWN',
- 'FrançAIS is ÜBER-åwesome' => 'FRANÇAIS IS ÜBER-ÅWESOME',
- );
- if ($this->extendedMode) {
- $testcase['αβγδεζηθικλμνξοσὠ'] = 'ΑΒΓΔΕΖΗΘΙΚΛΜΝΞΟΣὨ';
- }
- foreach ($testcase as $input => $output) {
- $this->assertEqual(backdrop_strtoupper($input), $output, format_string('%input is uppercased as %output', array('%input' => $input, '%output' => $output)));
- }
- }
- function helperTestUcFirst() {
- $testcase = array(
- 'tHe QUIcK bRoWn' => 'THe QUIcK bRoWn',
- 'françAIS' => 'FrançAIS',
- 'über' => 'Über',
- 'åwesome' => 'Åwesome'
- );
- if ($this->extendedMode) {
- $testcase['σion'] = 'Σion';
- }
- foreach ($testcase as $input => $output) {
- $this->assertEqual(backdrop_ucfirst($input), $output, format_string('%input is ucfirst-ed as %output', array('%input' => $input, '%output' => $output)));
- }
- }
- function helperTestStrLen() {
- $testcase = array(
- 'tHe QUIcK bRoWn' => 15,
- 'ÜBER-åwesome' => 12,
- );
- foreach ($testcase as $input => $output) {
- $this->assertEqual(backdrop_strlen($input), $output, format_string('%input length is %output', array('%input' => $input, '%output' => $output)));
- }
- }
- function helperTestSubStr() {
- $testcase = array(
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, 0,
- ''),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, 1,
- 'f'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, 8,
- 'frànçAIS'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, 23,
- 'frànçAIS is über-åwesom'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, 24,
- 'frànçAIS is über-åwesome'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, 25,
- 'frànçAIS is über-åwesome'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, 100,
- 'frànçAIS is über-åwesome'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 4, 4,
- 'çAIS'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 1, 0,
- ''),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 100, 0,
- ''),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -4, 2,
- 'so'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -4, 3,
- 'som'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -4, 4,
- 'some'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -4, 5,
- 'some'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -7, 10,
- 'åwesome'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 5, -10,
- 'AIS is üb'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, -10,
- 'frànçAIS is üb'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 0, -1,
- 'frànçAIS is über-åwesom'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -7, -2,
- 'åweso'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -7, -6,
- 'å'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -7, -7,
- ''),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', -7, -8,
- ''),
- array('...', 0, 2, '..'),
- array('以呂波耳・ほへとち。リヌルヲ。', 1, 3,
- '呂波耳'),
- );
- foreach ($testcase as $test) {
- list($input, $start, $length, $output) = $test;
- $result = backdrop_substr($input, $start, $length);
- $this->assertEqual($result, $output, format_string('%input substring at offset %offset for %length characters is %output (got %result)', array('%input' => $input, '%offset' => $start, '%length' => $length, '%output' => $output, '%result' => $result)));
- }
- }
- * Test decode_entities().
- */
- function testDecodeEntities() {
- $testcase = array(
- 'Backdrop' => 'Backdrop',
- '<script>' => '<script>',
- '<script>' => '<script>',
- '<script>' => '<script>',
- '&lt;script&gt;' => '<script>',
- '"' => '"',
- '"' => '"',
- '&#34;' => '"',
- '"' => '"',
- '&quot;' => '"',
- "'" => "'",
- ''' => "'",
- '&#39;' => ''',
- '©' => '©',
- '©' => '©',
- '©' => '©',
- '→' => '→',
- '→' => '→',
- '➼' => '➼',
- '➼' => '➼',
- '€' => '€',
- );
- foreach ($testcase as $input => $output) {
- $this->assertEqual(decode_entities($input), $output, format_string('Make sure the decoded entity of @input is @output', array('@input' => $input, '@output' => $output)));
- }
- }
- * Tests truncate_utf8().
- */
- function helperTestTruncate() {
- $non_wordsafe_non_ellipsis_cases = array(
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 24, 'frànçAIS is über-åwesome'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 23, 'frànçAIS is über-åwesom'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 17, 'frànçAIS is über-'),
- array('以呂波耳・ほへとち。リヌルヲ。', 6, '以呂波耳・ほ'),
- );
- $this->runTruncateTests($non_wordsafe_non_ellipsis_cases, FALSE, FALSE);
- $non_wordsafe_ellipsis_cases = array(
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 24, 'frànçAIS is über-åwesome'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 23, 'frànçAIS is über-åweso…'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 17, 'frànçAIS is über…'),
- );
- $this->runTruncateTests($non_wordsafe_ellipsis_cases, FALSE, TRUE);
- $wordsafe_ellipsis_cases = array(
- array('123', 1, '…'),
- array('123', 2, '1…'),
- array('123', 3, '123'),
- array('1234', 3, '12…'),
- array('1234567890', 10, '1234567890'),
- array('12345678901', 10, '123456789…'),
- array('12345678901', 11, '12345678901'),
- array('123456789012', 11, '1234567890…'),
- array('12345 7890', 10, '12345 7890'),
- array('12345 7890', 9, '12345…'),
- array('123 567 90', 10, '123 567 90'),
- array('123 567 901', 10, '123 567…'),
- array('Stop. Hammertime.', 17, 'Stop. Hammertime.'),
- array('Stop. Hammertime.', 16, 'Stop…'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 24, 'frànçAIS is über-åwesome'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 23, 'frànçAIS is über…'),
- array('frànçAIS is über-åwesome', 17, 'frànçAIS is über…'),
- array('¿Dónde está el niño?', 20, '¿Dónde está el niño?'),
- array('¿Dónde está el niño?', 19, '¿Dónde está el…'),
- array('¿Dónde está el niño?', 13, '¿Dónde está…'),
- array('¿Dónde está el niño?', 10, '¿Dónde…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 17, 'Help! Help! Help!'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 16, 'Help! Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 15, 'Help! Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 14, 'Help! Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 13, 'Help! Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 12, 'Help! Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 11, 'Help! Help…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 10, 'Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 9, 'Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 8, 'Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 7, 'Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 6, 'Help!…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 5, 'Help…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 4, 'Hel…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 3, 'He…'),
- array('Help! Help! Help!', 2, 'H…'),
- );
- $this->runTruncateTests($wordsafe_ellipsis_cases, TRUE, TRUE);
- }
- * Runs test cases for helperTestTruncate().
- *
- * Runs each test case through truncate_utf8() and compares the output
- * to the expected output.
- *
- * @param $cases
- * Cases array. Each case is an array with the input string, length to
- * truncate to, and expected output.
- * @param $wordsafe
- * TRUE to use word-safe truncation, FALSE to not use word-safe truncation.
- * @param $ellipsis
- * TRUE to append ... if the input is truncated, FALSE to not append ....
- */
- function runTruncateTests($cases, $wordsafe, $ellipsis) {
- foreach ($cases as $case) {
- list($input, $max_length, $expected) = $case;
- $output = truncate_utf8($input, $max_length, $wordsafe, $ellipsis);
- $this->assertEqual($output, $expected, format_string('%input truncate to %length characters with %wordsafe, %ellipsis is %expected (got %output)', array('%input' => $input, '%length' => $max_length, '%output' => $output, '%expected' => $expected, '%wordsafe' => ($wordsafe ? 'word-safe' : 'not word-safe'), '%ellipsis' => ($ellipsis ? 'ellipsis' : 'not ellipsis'))));
- }
- }
- }