1 redirect.module | redirect_load_by_source($source, $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE, array $query = array()) |
Load multiple URL redirects from the database by {redirect}.source.
$source: The source of the URL redirect.
$langcode: Language code of the source URL.
$query: Array of URL query parameters.
Return value
Redirect|FALSE: The first matched URL redirect object, or FALSE if there aren't any.
See also
Related topics
- core/
modules/ redirect/ redirect.module, line 462
function redirect_load_by_source($source, $langcode = LANGUAGE_NONE, array $query = array()) {
// Run a case-insensitive query for matching RIDs first.
$rid_query = db_select('redirect');
$rid_query->addField('redirect', 'rid');
$system_config = config('system.core');
if ($source != $system_config->get('site_frontpage')) {
$rid_query->condition('source', db_like($source), 'LIKE');
else {
$source_condition = db_or();
$source_condition->condition('source', db_like($source), 'LIKE');
$source_condition->condition('source', '');
$rid_query->condition('langcode', array($langcode, LANGUAGE_NONE));
$rids = $rid_query->execute()->fetchCol();
if ($rids && $redirects = redirect_load_multiple($rids)) {
// Narrow down the list of candidates.
foreach ($redirects as $rid => $redirect) {
if (!empty($redirect->source_options['query'])) {
if (empty($query) || !redirect_compare_array_recursive($redirect->source_options['query'], $query)) {
// Add a case sensitive matches condition to be used in sorting.
if ($source !== $redirect->source) {
$redirects[$rid]->weight = 1;
if (!empty($redirects)) {
// Sort the redirects in the proper order.
uasort($redirects, '_redirect_uasort');
// Allow other modules to alter the redirect candidates before selecting the top one.
$context = array('langcode' => $langcode, 'query' => $query);
backdrop_alter('redirect_load_by_source', $redirects, $source, $context);
return !empty($redirects) ? reset($redirects) : FALSE;
return FALSE;