1 installer.browser.inc | _installer_browser_batch_install_release($release_name, $project, &$context) |
Batch API callback: Installs a single release of a project during batch.
$release_name: The short name of the selected release of the project being installed.
$project: Associative array of information about the project to be installed.
- core/
modules/ installer/ installer.browser.inc, line 322 - Various functions that are required by the Installer browse pages.
function _installer_browser_batch_install_release($release_name, $project, &$context) {
$release = installer_browser_get_release($release_name, $project);
module_load_include('inc', 'installer', 'installer.manager');
$url = file_create_url($release['download_link']);
$result = installer_manager_download_project($url, TRUE);
if ($result['success']) {
$context['results']['successes'][] = t('Successfully installed %project.', array('%project' => $project['title']));
$context['message'] = t('Installed %project...', array('%project' => $project['title']));
// Add this to the session variable and remove it from the install_queue
// variable.
$_SESSION['installer_browser_installed_projects'][$project['name']] = $project;
else {
watchdog('installer', 'There was an error while installing %project.
array('%project' => $project['title'], '!message' => $result['message']), WATCHDOG_ERROR);
$context['results']['failures'][] = t('Error installing %project. !message',
array('%project' => $project['title'], '!message' => $result['message']));
$context['message'] = t('Error installing %project. Errors have been logged.',
array('%project' => $project['title']));