1 config.inc | config_get_config_directory($type = 'active') |
Returns the path of a configuration directory for config stored in files.
string $type: (optional) The type of config directory to return. Backdrop core provides 'active' and 'staging'. Defaults to 'active'.
Return value
string: The configuration directory path.
- core/
includes/ config.inc, line 217 - This is the API for configuration storage.
function config_get_config_directory($type = 'active') {
global $config_directories;
if ($test_prefix = backdrop_valid_test_ua()) {
// See BackdropWebTestBase::setUp().
$path = conf_path() . '/files/simpletest/' . substr($test_prefix, 10) . '/config_' . $type;
elseif (!empty($config_directories[$type])) {
$path = $config_directories[$type];
// If the path starts with a slash or dot, assume a normal path. If just
// a directory name is provided, make it relative to the settings.php file.
$first_character = substr($path, 0, 1);
if (!in_array($first_character, array('.', '/', '\\'))) {
$path = conf_path() . '/' . $path;
else {
throw new ConfigException(format_string('The configuration directory type "@type" does not exist.', array('@type' => $type)));
return $path;