1 backup.inc backup_delete($backup_name)

Delete a backup from the backup directory by its directory name.


string $backup_name: The name of the backup (same as the backup directory).

Return value

bool: TRUE if the backup was deleted, FALSE on failure.


core/includes/backup.inc, line 599
Contains functionality related to creating and restoring site backups.


function backup_delete($backup_name) {
  // Validate that the backup exists within the backup directory. This prevents
  // deleting any kind of file with this function other than a backup.
  $backups = backup_directory_list();
  $success = FALSE;
  if (!isset($backups[$backup_name])) {
    return FALSE;

  $backup = $backups[$backup_name];
  // Final safety check, only delete valid backups (those with correct JSON
  // files describing their contents). The "backup_directory" key is set
  // specifically in backup_directory_list(), it is not read from the JSON.
  if ($backup['valid'] && is_dir($backup['backup_directory'])) {
    $success = file_unmanaged_delete_recursive($backup['backup_directory']);

  return $success;