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No known problems

Request telemetry data for your project

To request that telemetry data be collected and displayed for your module, do the following:

First, create a Pull Request against your project that implements the hooks, hook_telemetry_info() and hook_telemetry_data(). (It is alright for this PR to also be reviewed and merged before the next step.)

Then, create an issue for to store the telemetry data. It needs to include:

  1. A link to the Pull Request for your project.
  2. Keys that should be saved by Project Telemetry. -- These keys must match the data provided by a project's hook_telemetry_data() keys.  
  3. A human-readable label to be used when displaying aggregated data.
  4. The type of data being collected, either "numeric" or non-numeric".
  5. If the data collected is "numeric", also include the precision used to group similar numbers into larger groups. (For example, a precision of "1 decimal" would aggregate 7.1.1 and 7.1.2 into simply 7.1.)

 A administrator will review your issue, and if reasonable, will be able to grant your request and set up telemetry data collection for your project, by editing the project node on