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Ranges and Limits

Queries may also be restricted to a certain subset of the records found. In general this is known as a "range query". In MySQL, this is implemented using the LIMIT clause. To limit the range of a query, use the range() method, which takes two arguments: the first specifies offset and the second specifies limit

In most cases we want "the first n records". To do that, pass 0 as the first argument and n as the second.

// Limit the result to 10 records
// where 0 is offset and 10 is limit
$query->range(0, 10);

The following example will instruct the result set to start at the 6th record found (the count starts at 0) rather than the first, and to return only 10 records.

$query->range(5, 10);

Calling the range() method a second time will overwrite previous values. Calling it with no parameters will remove all range restrictions on the query.