Documentation Level: 
Documentation Status: 
No known problems


  1. Clean up your code so it's ready for community collaboration.
    • Check coding standards, file naming conventions, etc.
    • Ensure the name of the project exactly matches the Drupal project, if it is a port.
    • Ensure the main development branch is named '1.x-1.x', '1.x-2.x', etc, and not 'master'
      • Create the new '1.x-1.x' branch and push to GitHub
      • Go to 'Settings' in the GitHib repo and click 'Branches' in the left menu.
        • Change the default branch from 'master' to '1.x-1.x'.
      • Delete the 'master' branch locally, and push to GitHub
  2. Transfer the project to backdrop-contrib following the steps mentioned in this post.
    • After clicking 'I understand, transfer this repository'.
  3. Subscribe to notifications
    • The GitHub issue queue is where all the communication for your project happens. When new issues are created, you might want to know about them so you can respond in a timely manner.
    • If your project is a port of a Drupal project you might also want to subscribe to the project's issue queue on
      • If you fix bugs or or add new features, please consider letting the maintainer(s) of the original project know about it. You might post your patches in the Drupal queue for the other project to consider.
      • If you have found a security issue that applies to both projects, please coordinate the release of the fix with the maintainers of the original project through non-public channels so that potential attackers can not take advantage of either Backdrop or Drupal sites. If you need help with this please contact the security team at
  4. Create an official release when the project is ready
    • You must tag releases in the format of "1.x-a.b.c" for the Backdrop packaging script to work.
      • Releases that are named with -alpha, -beta, or -dev will not appear on, or on the module installer. It is assumed those releases are not safe for anyone to run unless they have the help of a developer. If they do have the help of a developer, the releases can be accessed directly from GitHub. 
    • You will know right away if there was an error during the packaging process, as a notice will appear on the release page, instead of the packaged release.
    • When successful, your project will appear almost immediately on the modules pagethemes page or layouts page.