BackdropDiffFormatter::context |
core/includes/ |
BackdropDiffFormatter::changed |
core/includes/ |
BackdropDiffFormatter::blockHeader |
core/includes/ |
BackdropDiffFormatter::addedLine |
core/includes/ |
BackdropDiffFormatter::added |
core/includes/ |
BackdropDateTime::__toString |
core/includes/ |
Returns the date object as a string. |
BackdropDateTime::__construct |
core/includes/ |
Constructs a date object. |
BackdropDateTime::validGranularity |
core/includes/ |
Determines if a a date is valid for a given granularity. |
BackdropDateTime::toISO |
core/includes/ |
Creates an ISO date from an array of values. |
BackdropDateTime::toArray |
core/includes/ |
Returns all standard date parts in an array. |
BackdropDateTime::setTimezone |
core/includes/ |
BackdropDateTime::setGranularityFromTime |
core/includes/ |
Determines the granularity of a date based on the constructor's arguments. |
BackdropDateTime::setFuzzyDate |
core/includes/ |
Forces an incomplete date to be valid. |
BackdropDateTime::removeGranularity |
core/includes/ |
Removes a granularity entry from the array. |
BackdropDateTime::parse |
core/includes/ |
Converts a date string into a date object. |
BackdropDateTime::merge |
core/includes/ |
Merges two date objects together using the current date values as defaults. |
BackdropDateTime::limitGranularity |
core/includes/ |
Removes unwanted date parts from a date. |
BackdropDateTime::hasTime |
core/includes/ |
Returns whether this object has time set. |
BackdropDateTime::hasGranularity |
core/includes/ |
Checks granularity array for a given entry. |
BackdropDateTime::format |
core/includes/ |
BackdropDateTime::forceValid |
core/includes/ |
Converts a date part into something that will produce a valid date. |
BackdropDateTime::difference |
core/includes/ |
Computes difference between two days using a given measure. |
BackdropDateTime::arrayErrors |
core/includes/ |
Finds possible errors in an array of date part values. |
BackdropDateTime::addGranularity |
core/includes/ |
Adds a granularity entry to the array. |
BackdropDatabaseCache::__construct |
core/includes/ |
Constructs a new BackdropDatabaseCache object. |
BackdropDatabaseCache::set |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::set(). |
BackdropDatabaseCache::prepareItem |
core/includes/ |
Prepares a cached item. |
BackdropDatabaseCache::isEmpty |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::isEmpty(). |
BackdropDatabaseCache::getMultiple |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::getMultiple(). |
BackdropDatabaseCache::get |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::get(). |
BackdropDatabaseCache::garbageCollection |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::garbageCollection(). |
BackdropDatabaseCache::flush |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::flush(). |
BackdropDatabaseCache::deletePrefix |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::deletePrefix(). |
BackdropDatabaseCache::deleteMultiple |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::deleteMultiple(). |
BackdropDatabaseCache::delete |
core/includes/ |
Implements BackdropCacheInterface::delete(). |
BackdropCacheInterface::set |
core/includes/ |
Stores data in the persistent cache. |
BackdropCacheInterface::isEmpty |
core/includes/ |
Checks if a cache bin is empty. |
BackdropCacheInterface::getMultiple |
core/includes/ |
Returns data from the persistent cache when given an array of cache IDs. |
BackdropCacheInterface::get |
core/includes/ |
Returns data from the persistent cache. |
BackdropCacheInterface::garbageCollection |
core/includes/ |
Performs garbage collection on a cache bin. Removing expired items. |
BackdropCacheInterface::flush |
core/includes/ |
Flushes all cache items in a bin. |
BackdropCacheInterface::deletePrefix |
core/includes/ |
Deletes items from the cache using a wildcard prefix. |
BackdropCacheInterface::deleteMultiple |
core/includes/ |
Deletes multiple items from the cache. |
BackdropCacheInterface::delete |
core/includes/ |
Deletes an item from the cache. |
BackdropCacheArray::__destruct |
core/includes/ |
Destructs the BackdropCacheArray object. |
BackdropCacheArray::__construct |
core/includes/ |
Constructs a BackdropCacheArray object. |
BackdropCacheArray::set |
core/includes/ |
Writes a value to the persistent cache immediately. |
BackdropCacheArray::resolveCacheMiss |
core/includes/ |
Resolves a cache miss. |
BackdropCacheArray::persist |
core/includes/ |
Flags an offset value to be written to the persistent cache. |
BackdropCacheArray::offsetUnset |
core/includes/ |