1 views_ui.module | views_ui_views_wizard_defaults() |
Helper function to define the default values for a Views wizard plugin.
Return value
An array of defaults for a views wizard.:
- core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.module, line 773 - Provide structure for the administrative interface to Views.
function views_ui_views_wizard_defaults() {
return array(
// The children may, for example, be a different variant for each node type.
'get children' => NULL,
'get child' => NULL,
// title and base table must be populated. They are empty here just
// so they are documented.
'title' => '',
'base_table' => NULL,
// This is a callback that takes the wizard as argument and returns
// an instantiated Views UI form wizard object.
'get_instance' => 'views_ui_get_form_wizard_instance',
'form_wizard_class' => array(
'file' => 'views_ui_base_views_wizard',
'class' => 'ViewsUiBaseViewsWizard',