1 views_ui.admin.inc | views_ui_get_form_progress($view) |
Get the user's current progress through the form stack.
$view: The current view.
Return value
FALSE if the user is not currently in a multiple-form stack. Otherwise,: an associative array with the following keys:
- current: The number of the current form on the stack.
- total: The total number of forms originally on the stack.
- core/
modules/ views_ui/ views_ui.admin.inc, line 2677 - Admin page callbacks for the Views UI module.
function views_ui_get_form_progress($view) {
$progress = FALSE;
if (!empty($view->stack)) {
$stack = $view->stack;
// The forms on the stack have integer keys that don't change as the forms
// are completed, so we can see which ones are still left.
$keys = array_keys($view->stack);
// Add 1 to the array keys for the benefit of humans, who start counting
// from 1 and not 0.
$current = reset($keys) + 1;
$total = end($keys) + 1;
if ($total > 1) {
$progress = array();
$progress['current'] = $current;
$progress['total'] = $total;
return $progress;