1 views_ui.admin.inc views_ui_edit_view_form_cancel($form, &$form_state)

Submit handler for the configure view form.


core/modules/views_ui/views_ui.admin.inc, line 2142
Admin page callbacks for the Views UI module.


function views_ui_edit_view_form_cancel($form, &$form_state) {
  // Remove this view from cache so configurations will be lost.
  tempstore_clear('views.view', $form_state['view']->name);
  backdrop_set_message(t('Any changes to the %name view have been discarded.', array('%name' => $form_state['view']->get_human_name())), 'info');
  if (empty($form['view']->vid)) {
    // I seem to have to backdrop_goto here because I can't get fapi to
    // honor the redirect target. Not sure what I screwed up here.