1 system.admin.inc _system_format_debug_info(array $lines, array $format_settings)

Given an array of data, it formats it into a plain-text 2-column output.


@since 1.28.0 function added.


array $lines: The data to format into plain text columns. Each line may contain keys for "label" and "value".

array $format_settings: An array with various settings that control the final plain-text output:

  • min_spacing: An integer indicating the minimum spaces added between the first column of the output and the second column.
  • rtl: A boolean indicating whether the output should be prepared for RTL languages.

See also



core/modules/system/system.admin.inc, line 2621
Admin page callbacks for the System module.


function _system_format_debug_info(array $lines, array $format_settings) {
  global $language;

  // Set some default settings.
  $defaults = array(
    'min_spacing' => 5,
    'rtl' => $language->direction == LANGUAGE_RTL,
  // Ensure that defaults are set for any settings that were not explicitly
  // specified.
  $format_settings += $defaults;

  // Get the length of the longest key in the array (which will determine the
  // max width of the first plain-text "column").
  $longest_item_length = 0;
  foreach ($lines as &$line_reference) {
    $line_reference += array('label' => NULL, 'value' => NULL);
    $label_length = backdrop_strlen($line_reference['label']);
    if ($label_length > $longest_item_length) {
      $longest_item_length = $label_length;

  // Format the output so that the items and their values are listed as columns.
  $first_col_width = $longest_item_length + $format_settings['min_spacing'];

  $output = '';
  foreach ($lines as $line) {
    $label = $line['label'];
    $value = $line['value'];
    if ($label == NULL && $value == NULL) {
      // Blank lines.
      $output .= "\n";
    else {
      if ($format_settings['rtl']) {
        $format = '%s %' . $first_col_width . 's';
        // Note that the order of $value and $label parameters is reversed
        // compared to LTR.
        $output .= ltrim(sprintf($format, $value, $label)) . "\n";
      else {
        $format = '%-' . $first_col_width . 's %s';
        $output .= rtrim(sprintf($format, $label, $value)) . "\n";

  return $output;