1 bootstrap.test BootstrapPageCacheTestCase::testPageCache()

Test cache headers.


core/modules/simpletest/tests/bootstrap.test, line 195




function testPageCache() {
  config_set('system.core', 'cache', 1);
  config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 0);
  config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_maximum_age', 300);

  // Emulate a browser's support for keep-alive so that we can check
  // Connection: "close" headers.
  $headers = array('Connection: "keep-alive"');

  // Fill the cache.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Foo', 'value' => 'bar')), $headers);
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS', 'Page was not cached.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Vary'), 'Cookie,Accept-Encoding', 'Vary header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'public, max-age=300', 'Cache-Control header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Expires'), 'Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:50:00 GMT', 'Expires header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Foo'), 'bar', 'Custom header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Connection'), 'close', 'Connection header set to closed when hitting an uncached page.');

  // Check cache.
  sleep(5); // Delay to ensure caches are set.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Foo', 'value' => 'bar')), $headers);
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Page was cached.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Vary'), 'Cookie,Accept-Encoding', 'Vary: Cookie header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'public, max-age=300', 'Cache-Control header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Expires'), 'Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:50:00 GMT', 'Expires header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Foo'), 'bar', 'Custom header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Connection'), 'Keep-Alive', 'Connection header set to keep alive when getting a cached page.');

  // Check replacing default headers.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Expires', 'value' => 'Fri, 19 Nov 2008 05:00:00 GMT')), $headers);
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Expires'), 'Fri, 19 Nov 2008 05:00:00 GMT', 'Default header was replaced.');
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Vary', 'value' => 'User-Agent')), $headers);
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Vary'), 'User-Agent,Accept-Encoding', 'Default header was replaced.');

  // Check setting the cache via an HTTP HEAD request.
  $this->backdropHead('system-test/hello-world', array('query' => array('cache' => 'test')));
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS', 'Cache miss on first request via HTTP HEAD request.');

  sleep(5); // Delay to ensure caches are set.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/hello-world', array('query' => array('cache' => 'test')));

  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Cache hit on second request via HTTP GET request.');
  $this->assertText('Hello world!', 'Page contents shown from cached page that was set via an HTTP HEAD request.');

  // Test that the initial load does not wait for shutdown functions.
  // This request will wait 10 seconds, but it should return faster than this
  // because Backdrop does not wait for shutdown functions after the page
  // has been delivered.
  $start = microtime(TRUE);
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/shutdown/5', array(), $headers);
  $total = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS', 'Initial page request was miss.');
  $this->assertTrue($total < 5, 'Initial page requests returned before shutdown functions are executed.');

  sleep(5); // Delay to ensure caches are set.
  $start = microtime(TRUE);
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/shutdown/5', array(), $headers);
  $total = microtime(TRUE) - $start;
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT', 'Cached page request.');
  $this->assertTrue($total < 5, 'Cached page requests returned without executing shutdown functions.');

  // Check when background fetch is disabled that a delay takes place when
  // generating a new cache entry.
  config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_maximum_age', 5);
  config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 0);

  // Create a new cache entry.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
  $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'public, max-age=5');
  $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
  $start_time1 = (string) $start_element[0];

  // Wait 5 seconds to wait past the maximum age (6). Fresh copy expected.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/6', array('query' => array('cache' => $this->randomName())));

  $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
  $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
  $start_time2 = (string) $start_element[0];
  $this->assertNotIdentical($start_time1, $start_time2, 'Fresh page generated after waiting cache lifetime.');
  $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'MISS');

  // Clear the current cache to try with background fetch enabled.
  config_set('system.core', 'page_cache_background_fetch', 1);

  // Do the double-hit again with a delay in between.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
  $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
  $start_time1 = (string) $start_element[0];

  // Wait 6 seconds to wait past the maximum age (5). Stale copy expected.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
  $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
  $start_time2 = (string) $start_element[0];
  $this->assertIdentical($start_time1, $start_time2, 'Stale page served after waiting cache lifetime.');
  $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT');

  // When a stale page is served, the connection is closed to prevent the PHP
  // process from holding up other assets (JS/CSS/images) from waiting to use
  // that same connection.
  $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('Connection'), 'close', 'Connection closed after serving stale page to allow background processes to run.');

  // Wait 1 more second, after which the new cache entry should be saved.
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/sleep/0', array(), $headers);
  $start_element = $this->xpath('//div[@id="start"]');
  $start_time3 = (string) $start_element[0];
  $this->assertNotIdentical($start_time2, $start_time3, 'A fresh page is shown on the next page load (generated by the previous request).');
  $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'HIT');
  $this->assertIdentical($this->backdropGetHeader('Connection'), 'Keep-Alive', 'Connection header not set keep-alive when serving cached page.');

  // Check that authenticated users bypass the cache.
  $user = $this->backdropCreateUser();
  $this->backdropGet('system-test/set-header', array('query' => array('name' => 'Foo', 'value' => 'bar')), $headers);
  $this->assertFalse($this->backdropGetHeader('X-Backdrop-Cache'), 'Caching was bypassed.');
  $this->assertTrue(strpos($this->backdropGetHeader('Vary'), 'Cookie') === FALSE, 'Vary: Cookie header was not sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Cache-Control'), 'no-cache, must-revalidate', 'Cache-Control header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Expires'), 'Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:50:00 GMT', 'Expires header was sent.');
  $this->assertEqual($this->backdropGetHeader('Foo'), 'bar', 'Custom header was sent.');

  // Check that 403 pages are refreshed properly after caches expire.
  $this->assertResponse(200, 'Access granted by default on first page load.');

  // Disable access.
  state_set('system_test_access', FALSE);

  // Wait 6 seconds to wait past the maximum age (5). Stale copy expected.
  $this->assertResponse(200, 'Background fetch copy served after blocking access.');
  $this->assertText(t('Access granted'), 'Access granted page title shown.');

  // Fresh copy should now be a 403.
  $this->assertResponse(403, 'Access denied on basic callback on fresh copy.');
  $this->assertText(t('Access denied'), 'Access denied page title shown.');

  // Enable access.
  state_set('system_test_access', TRUE);

  // Wait 6 seconds to wait past the maximum age (5). Stale copy expected.
  $this->assertResponse(403, 'Background fetch copy served after granting access.');
  $this->assertText(t('Access denied'), 'Access denied page title shown.');

  // Fresh copy should now be a 200.
  $this->assertResponse(200, 'Access granted on basic callback on fresh copy.');
  $this->assertText(t('Access granted'), 'Access granted page title shown.');