1 basis.test | public BasisTestCase::testCssUpdates() |
Tests that body classes are added correctly for CSS updates.
- core/
modules/ simpletest/ tests/ basis.test, line 25 - Tests for the Basis core theme.
- BasisTestCase
- Test the addition of supplemental CSS update selectors on the body class.
public function testCssUpdates() {
// Include Basis's template.php file to get utility functions.
$path = backdrop_get_path('theme', 'basis');
include_once $path . '/template.php';
// Disable the page cache while testing the body classes.
config_set('system.core', 'cache', 0);
$css_update_versions = basis_updated_css_versions();
$latest_update_version = reset($css_update_versions);
// These tests will intentionally break when we release a second version of
// Backdrop core with Basis CSS updates. The "update-1-30" string will need
// to be incremented and the tests should be expanded to cover the new
// version strings.
$config = config('basis.settings');
$this->assertEqual($config->get('css_update'), 'install', 'Basis defaults to using the latest CSS updates at the time Backdrop core is installed.');
$this->assertEqual($config->get('css_update_version'), $latest_update_version, 'The most recent CSS update is set as the default.');
// @todo Confirm multiple version strings are included once they exist.
$this->assertTrue(in_array('update-1-30', $this->getBodyClasses()), 'The current CSS update version exists as a body class.');
// Set the CSS update version to an empty string for "no updates".
$config->set('css_update', 'version');
$config->set('css_update_version', '');
$body_class_string = implode(' ', $this->getBodyClasses());
$this->assertFalse(strpos($body_class_string, 'update'), 'No CSS update classes exist on the body class.');
// Set the CSS update version to "all" to accept all version changes.
$config->set('css_update', 'all');
$config->set('css_update_version', '');
// @todo Confirm multiple version strings are included once they exist.
$this->assertTrue(in_array('update-1-30', $this->getBodyClasses()), 'All CSS update versions exists within the body class.');
// Set the CSS update version to a specific value.
$config->set('css_update', 'version');
$config->set('css_update_version', '1.30');
// @todo Confirm multiple version strings are included once they exist.
$this->assertTrue(in_array('update-1-30', $this->getBodyClasses()), 'The specific CSS update version exists as a body class.');