1 ajax.test AJAXDialogTest::testDialog()

Test sending non-JS and AJAX requests to open and manipulate modals.


core/modules/simpletest/tests/ajax.test, line 597
Ajax Tests.


Tests use of dialogs as wrappers for Ajax responses.


function testDialog() {
  // Ensure the elements render without notices or exceptions.

  // Set up variables for this test.
  $dialog_renderable = ajax_test_dialog_contents();
  $dialog_contents = backdrop_render($dialog_renderable);
  $modal_expected_response = array(
    'command' => 'openDialog',
    'selector' => '#backdrop-modal',
    'data' => $dialog_contents,
    'dialogOptions' => array(
      'modal' => true,
      'title' => 'AJAX Dialog',
  $normal_expected_response = array(
    'command' => 'openDialog',
    'selector' => '#ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1',
    'data' => $dialog_contents,
    'dialogOptions' => array(
      'modal' => false,
      'title' => 'AJAX Dialog',
  $close_expected_response = array(
    'command' => 'closeDialog',
    'selector' => '#ajax-test-dialog-wrapper-1',

  // Check that requesting a modal dialog without JS goes to a page.
  $this->assertRaw($dialog_contents, 'Non-JS modal dialog page present.');

  // Emulate going to the JS version of the page and check the JSON response.
  $ajax_result = $this->backdropGetAJAX('ajax-test/dialog-contents/ajax/1');
  $this->assertEqual($modal_expected_response, $ajax_result[1], 'Modal dialog JSON response matches.');

  // Check that requesting a "normal" dialog without JS goes to a page.
  $this->assertRaw($dialog_contents, 'Non-JS normal dialog page present.');

  // Emulate going to the JS version of the page and check the JSON response.
  $ajax_result = $this->backdropGetAJAX('ajax-test/dialog-contents/ajax');
  $this->assertEqual($normal_expected_response, $ajax_result[1], 'Normal dialog JSON response matches.');

  // Emulate closing the dialog via an AJAX request. There is no non-JS
  // version of this test.
  $ajax_result = $this->backdropGetAJAX('ajax-test/dialog-close');
  $this->assertEqual($close_expected_response, $ajax_result[1], 'Close dialog JSON response matches.');

  // Test submitting via a POST request through the button for modals. This
  // approach more accurately reflects the real responses by Backdrop because
  // all of the necessary page variables are emulated.
  $ajax_result = $this->backdropPostAJAX('ajax-test/dialog', array(), 'button1');

  // Check that CSS and JavaScript are "added" to the page dynamically.
  $dialog_css_exists = strpos($ajax_result[1]['data'], 'jquery.ui.dialog.css') !== FALSE;
  $this->assertTrue($dialog_css_exists, 'jQuery UI dialog CSS added to the page.');
  $dialog_js_exists = strpos($ajax_result[2]['data'], 'jquery.ui.dialog.min.js') !== FALSE;
  $this->assertTrue($dialog_js_exists, 'jQuery UI dialog JS added to the page.');
  $dialog_js_exists = strpos($ajax_result[2]['data'], 'dialog.ajax.js') !== FALSE;
  $this->assertTrue($dialog_js_exists, 'Backdrop dialog JS added to the page.');

  // Check that the response matches the expected value.
  $this->assertEqual($modal_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'POST request modal dialog JSON response matches.');

  // Abbreviated test for "normal" dialogs, testing only the difference.
  $ajax_result = $this->backdropPostAJAX('ajax-test/dialog', array(), 'button2');
  $this->assertEqual($normal_expected_response, $ajax_result[3], 'POST request normal dialog JSON response matches.');