1 simpletest.module simpletest_test_get_all()

Get a list of all of the tests provided by the system.

The list of test classes is loaded from each module's *.tests.info file. Once loaded, the test list is cached and stored in a static variable.

Return value

An array of tests keyed with the groups specified by each owning module's: .tests.info file and then keyed by the test class. An example of the array structure is provided below.

    $groups['Block'] => array(
      'BlockTestCase' => array(
        'name' => 'Block functionality',
        'description' => 'Add, edit and delete custom block...',
        'group' => 'Block',
        'file' => block.test,
        'file path' => 'core/modules/block',

See also



core/modules/simpletest/simpletest.module, line 354
Provides testing functionality.


function simpletest_test_get_all() {
  $groups = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__);

  if (!$groups) {
    // Load test information from cache if available, otherwise retrieve the
    // information from each module's *.tests.info file.
    if ($cache = cache()->get('simpletest')) {
      $groups = $cache->data;
    else {
      $files = backdrop_system_listing('/^' . BACKDROP_PHP_FUNCTION_PATTERN . '\.tests\.info$/', 'modules', 'name', 0);
      $groups = array();
      $check_keys = array('name', 'description', 'group', 'file');
      foreach ($files as $file) {
        $classes = backdrop_parse_info_file($file->uri, TRUE);
        // Error messages are translated as they are created below, but the
        // variable substitutions are not passed in. This is done so that the
        // same error message can to be output to watchdog(), which needs its
        // variables separately, and to backdrop_set_message(), which needs a
        // translated string with substitutions already made.
        $error = '';
        $variables = array('@uri' => $file->uri);
        if (empty($classes)) {
          $error = t('File @uri contains no testing classes.');
        else {
          // If the .tests.info file is malformed, it puts a slew of
          // hard-to-diagnose errors into the watchdog log when the testing page
          // is loaded. So we'll check for various malformations and put a more
          // informative error.
          foreach ($classes as $class => $info) {
            if (!is_array($info) || empty($info)) {
              $error = t('File @uri contains a definition for @class that is not an array of testing class fields.');
              $variables += array('@class' => $class);
            else {
              $missing_keys = array();
              foreach ($check_keys as $key) {
                if (!isset($info[$key])) {
                  $missing_keys[] = $key;
              if (!empty($missing_keys)) {
                $keys = implode(', ', $missing_keys);
                $error = format_plural(count($missing_keys), 'File @uri contains a definition for @class that is missing field @keys.', 'File @uri contains a definition for @class that is missing fields @keys.');
                $variables += array('@class' => $class, '@keys' => $keys);
            // Verify that the test file is present in the same directory as
            // specified in the .tests.info file.
            if (empty($error)) {
              $info['file path'] = dirname($file->uri);
              $test_file_full = BACKDROP_ROOT . '/' . $info['file path'] . '/' . $info['file'];
              if (!file_exists($test_file_full)) {
                $error = t('File @uri specifies a non-existent file @test_file_full. Please verify that the test file exists in the location specified in @uri.');
                $variables += array('@test_file_full' => $test_file_full);
            if (empty($error)) {
              // If the format passed, build the rest of the groups information.
              // If this test class requires a non-existing module, skip it.
              if (!empty($info['dependencies'])) {
                foreach ($info['dependencies'] as $module) {
                  if (!backdrop_get_filename('module', $module)) {
                    continue 2;
              $groups[$info['group']][$class] = $info;
        if (!empty($error)) {
          if (backdrop_is_cli()) {
            // If running in CLI, then we're probably about to run some
            // automated tests, so we need a hard fail.
            print format_string($error, $variables) . "\n";
          else {
            // Pass the substitution variables into the already-translated
            // string for backdrop_set_message().
            backdrop_set_message(format_string($error, $variables), 'error');
            watchdog('simpletest', $error, $variables, WATCHDOG_WARNING, l(t('See the Testing Framework documentation.'), 'https://docs.backdropcms.org/documentation/testing-framework'));

      // Sort the groups and tests within the groups by name.
      uksort($groups, 'strnatcasecmp');
      foreach ($groups as &$tests) {
        uksort($tests, 'strnatcasecmp');

      // Allow modules extending core tests to disable originals.
      backdrop_alter('simpletest', $groups);
      cache()->set('simpletest', $groups);
  return $groups;