1 path.api.php | hook_path_pattern_alter(&$pattern, array &$context) |
Alter the pattern to be used before an alias is generated.
string $pattern: The alias pattern to pass to token_replace() to generate the URL alias.
array $context: An associative array with additional information, containing:
- entity: The entity for which a pattern is being created.
- source: A string of the source path for the alias (e.g. 'node/1').
- langcode: A string of the language code for the alias (e.g. 'en').
- core/
modules/ path/ path.api.php, line 196 - Hooks provided by the Path module.
function hook_path_pattern_alter(&$pattern, array &$context) {
// Switch out any [node:created:*] tokens with [node:updated:*] on update.
$entity = $context['entity'];
if ($entity->entityType() == 'node' && !$entity->isNew()) {
$pattern = preg_replace('/\[node:created(\:[^]]*)?\]/', '[node:updated$1]', $pattern);