- Block::getBlockInfo in core/
modules/ layout/ includes/ block.class.inc - Return the block info for this block, as provided by hook_block_info().
- LayoutRendererStandard::prepareBlocks in core/
modules/ layout/ plugins/ renderers/ layout_renderer_standard.inc - Prepare the list of blocks to be rendered, accounting for visibility/access settings and rendering order.
- layout_block_add_page in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.admin.inc - Menu callback; Display a list of blocks to be added to a layout.
- layout_block_list in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.admin.inc - Menu callback; Lists all blocks and their modules.
- layout_get_handler_name in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.module - Helper function to get a handler class name based on the plugin name.
- layout_get_title_description in core/
modules/ layout/ layout.module - Gets the title description for the current layout.