1 token.test | ImageStyleTokenTests::testTokens() |
Test that the image style tokens exist.
- core/
modules/ image/ tests/ token.test, line 34 - Tests for image.module.
- ImageStyleTokenTests
- Test the Image Style Token module.
function testTokens() {
$bundle_label = 'Post';
$node_title = 'Test post';
// Load the node form.
$this->assertResponse(200, 'Loaded the Post node form.');
$this->assertText(strip_tags(t('Create @name', array('@name' => $bundle_label))));
// Generate an image file.
$image = $this->getTestImage();
// Submit the form.
$edit = array(
'title' => $node_title,
'body[und][0][value]' => 'Test post',
'body[und][0][format]' => 'filtered_html',
'files[field_image_und_0]' => backdrop_realpath($image->uri),
$this->backdropPost(NULL, $edit, t('Save'));
$t_args = array('@type' => $bundle_label, '%title' => $node_title);
$this->assertText(strip_tags(t('@type %title has been created.', $t_args)), 'The node was created.');
$matches = array();
if (preg_match('@node/(\d+)$@', $this->getUrl(), $matches)) {
$nid = end($matches);
$this->assertNotEqual($nid, 0, 'The node ID was extracted from the URL.');
$node = node_load($nid);
$this->assertNotEqual($node, NULL, 'The node was loaded successfully.');
$this->assertEqual($node->field_image[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['filename'], $image->filename, 'The image was uploaded successfully.');
// Load the tokens for this object, verify the correct tokens exist.
$tokens = token_build_tree('node', array('data' => $node));
$this->assertTrue(isset($tokens['[node:field_image]']), 'The image field token exists.');
$this->assertTrue(isset($tokens['[node:field_image]']['children']), 'The image field token has child tokens.');
foreach (array('large', 'medium', 'thumbnail') as $style) {
$this->assertTrue(isset($tokens['[node:field_image]']['children']['[node:field_image:' . $style . ']']), 'The image style token exists.');
$this->assertTrue(isset($tokens['[node:field_image]']['children']['[node:field_image:' . $style . ']']['children']), 'The image style token has child tokens.');
$attributes = array(
foreach ($attributes as $attribute) {
$this->assertTrue(isset($tokens['[node:field_image]']['children']['[node:field_image:' . $style . ']']['children']['[node:field_image:' . $style . ':' . $attribute . ']']), 'The "' . $attribute . '" image style token exists.');