1 filter.test FilterFileUsageTest::testFilterEntityHooks()

Tests file usages are tracked in creating, updating, and deleting content.


core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test, line 2217
Tests for filter.module.


Tests for filter.module's node/entity hooks to track file usage.


function testFilterEntityHooks() {
  $image = entity_create('file', array());
  $image->uri = 'core/misc/favicon.ico';
  $image->filename = 'favicon.ico';
  $this->assertIdentical(array(), file_usage_list($image), 'The image has zero usages.');

  // Test filter_entity_insert(): increment.
  $node = new Node(array(
    'type' => 'page',
    'title' => 'test',
    'uid' => 0,
    'body' => array(
      'und' => array(
        0 => array(
          'value' => '<p>Hello, world!</p><img src="awesome-llama.jpg" data-file-id="' . $image->fid . '" />',
          'format' => 'filtered_html',
    'log' => 'First revision.',
  $nid = $node->nid;
  $this->assertIdentical(array('filter' => array('node' => array($nid => '1'))), file_usage_list($image), 'The image has 1 usage.');

  // Test filter_entity_update(): increment, twice, by creating new revisions.
  $node->vid = NULL;
  $node->log = 'Second revision.';
  $second_revision_id = $node->vid;
  $node->vid = NULL;
  $node->log = 'Third revision.';
  $this->assertIdentical(array('filter' => array('node' => array($nid => '3'))), file_usage_list($image), 'The image has 3 usages.');

  // Test hook_entity_update(): decrement, by modifying the last revision:
  // remove the data- attribute from the body field.
  $original_value = $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
  $new_value = str_replace('data-file-id', 'data-file-id-modified', $original_value);
  $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $new_value;
  $this->assertIdentical(array('filter' => array('node' => array($nid => '2'))), file_usage_list($image), 'The image has 2 usages.');

  // Test hook_entity_update(): increment, by modifying the last revision:
  // read the data- attribute to the body field.
  $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'] = $original_value;
  $this->assertIdentical(array('filter' => array('node' => array($nid => '3'))), file_usage_list($image), 'The image has 3 usages.');

  // Test filter_node_revision_delete(): decrement, by deleting a revision.
  $this->assertIdentical(array('filter' => array('node' => array($nid => '2'))), file_usage_list($image), 'The image has 2 usages.');

  // Test filter_entity_delete().
  $this->assertIdentical(array(), file_usage_list($image), 'The image has zero usages again.');