1 filter.module filter_entity_update(EntityInterface $entity)

Implements hook_entity_update().


core/modules/filter/filter.module, line 1734
Framework for handling the filtering of content.


function filter_entity_update(EntityInterface $entity) {
  // On new revisions, all files are considered to be a new usage and no
  // deletion of previous file usages are necessary.
  $entity_info = entity_get_info($entity->entityType());
  $vid_key = isset($entity_info['entity keys']['revision']) ? $entity_info['entity keys']['revision'] : NULL;
  if (!empty($entity->original)) {
    if ($vid_key && $entity->$vid_key != $entity->original->$vid_key) {
      $referenced_files_by_field = _filter_get_file_ids_by_field($entity);
      foreach ($referenced_files_by_field as $field => $fids) {
        _filter_record_file_usage($fids, $entity);

    // On modified revisions, detect which file references have been added (and
    // record their usage) and which ones have been removed (delete their usage).
    // File references that existed both in the previous version of the revision
    // and in the new one don't need their usage to be updated.
    else {
      $original_fids_by_field = _filter_get_file_ids_by_field($entity->original);
      $fids_by_field = _filter_get_file_ids_by_field($entity);

      // Detect file usages that should be incremented.
      foreach ($fids_by_field as $field => $fids) {
        $added_files = array_diff($fids_by_field[$field], $original_fids_by_field[$field]);
        _filter_record_file_usage($added_files, $entity);

      // Detect file usages that should be decremented.
      foreach ($original_fids_by_field as $field => $fids) {
        $removed_files = array_diff($original_fids_by_field[$field], $fids_by_field[$field]);
        _filter_delete_file_usage($removed_files, $entity, 1);