1 field.api.php hook_field_extra_fields()

Exposes "pseudo-field" components on fieldable entities.

Field UI's "Manage fields" and "Manage displays" pages let users re-order fields, but also non-field components. For nodes, these include the title, URL aliases, and other elements exposed by modules through hook_form() or hook_form_alter().

Fieldable entities or modules that want to have their components supported should expose them using this hook. The user-defined settings (weight, visible) are automatically applied on rendered forms and displayed entities in a #pre_render callback added by field_attach_form() and field_attach_view().

Return value

A nested array of 'pseudo-field' elements. Each list is nested within the: following keys: entity type, bundle name, context (either 'form' or 'display'). The keys are the name of the elements as appearing in the renderable array (either the entity form or the displayed entity). The value is an associative array:

  • label: The human readable name of the element.
  • description: A short description of the element contents.
  • weight: The default weight of the element.
  • edit: (optional) String containing markup (normally a link) used as the element's 'edit' operation in the administration interface. Only for 'form' context.
  • delete: (optional) String containing markup (normally a link) used as the element's 'delete' operation in the administration interface. Only for 'form' context.

See also



Related topics


core/modules/field/field.api.php, line 47
Hooks provided by the Field module.


function hook_field_extra_fields() {
  $extra['node']['example'] = array(
    'form' => array(
      'settings' => array(
        'label' => t('settings'),
        'description' => t('Example module settings'),
        'weight' => -3,
    'display' => array(
      'example_data' => array(
        'label' => t('Data'),
        'description' => t('Example module data'),
        'weight' => 0,

  return $extra;