1 color.module | _color_shift($given, $ref1, $ref2, $target) |
Shifts a given color, using a reference pair and a target blend color.
Note: this function is significantly different from the JS version, as it is written to match the blended images perfectly.
Constraint: if (ref2 == target + (ref1 - target) * delta) for some fraction delta then (return == target + (given - target) * delta).
Loose constraint: Preserve relative positions in saturation and luminance space.
- core/
modules/ color/ color.module, line 835 - Allows users to change the color scheme of themes.
function _color_shift($given, $ref1, $ref2, $target) {
// We assume that ref2 is a blend of ref1 and target and find
// delta based on the length of the difference vectors.
// delta = 1 - |ref2 - ref1| / |white - ref1|
$target = _color_unpack($target, TRUE);
$ref1 = _color_unpack($ref1, TRUE);
$ref2 = _color_unpack($ref2, TRUE);
$numerator = 0;
$denominator = 0;
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
$numerator += ($ref2[$i] - $ref1[$i]) * ($ref2[$i] - $ref1[$i]);
$denominator += ($target[$i] - $ref1[$i]) * ($target[$i] - $ref1[$i]);
$delta = ($denominator > 0) ? (1 - sqrt($numerator / $denominator)) : 0;
// Calculate the color that ref2 would be if the assumption was true.
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
$ref3[$i] = $target[$i] + ($ref1[$i] - $target[$i]) * $delta;
// If the assumption is not true, there is a difference between ref2 and ref3.
// We measure this in HSL space. Notation: x' = hsl(x).
$ref2 = _color_rgb2hsl($ref2);
$ref3 = _color_rgb2hsl($ref3);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
$shift[$i] = $ref2[$i] - $ref3[$i];
// Take the given color, and blend it towards the target.
$given = _color_unpack($given, TRUE);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
$result[$i] = $target[$i] + ($given[$i] - $target[$i]) * $delta;
// Finally, we apply the extra shift in HSL space.
// Note: if ref2 is a pure blend of ref1 and target, then |shift| = 0.
$result = _color_rgb2hsl($result);
for ($i = 0; $i < 3; ++$i) {
$result[$i] = min(1, max(0, $result[$i] + $shift[$i]));
$result = _color_hsl2rgb($result);
// Return hex color.
return _color_pack($result, TRUE);