1 updater.inc | public Updater::prepareInstallDirectory(&$filetransfer, $directory) |
Make sure the installation parent directory exists and is writable.
FileTransfer $filetransfer: Object which is a child of FileTransfer.
string $directory: The installation directory to prepare.
- core/
includes/ updater.inc, line 379 - Classes used for updating various files in the Backdrop webroot. These classes use a FileTransfer object to actually perform the operations. Normally, the FileTransfer is provided when the site owner is redirected to authorize.php as part of a…
- Updater
- Base class for Updaters used in Backdrop.
public function prepareInstallDirectory(&$filetransfer, $directory) {
// Make the parent dir writable if need be and create the dir.
if (!is_dir($directory)) {
$parent_dir = dirname($directory);
if (!is_writable($parent_dir)) {
@chmod($parent_dir, 0755);
// It is expected that this will fail if the directory is owned by the
// FTP user. If the FTP user == web server, it will succeed.
try {
$this->makeWorldReadable($filetransfer, $directory);
catch (FileTransferException $e) {
// Probably still not writable. Try to chmod and do it again.
// @todo: Make a new exception class so we can catch it differently.
try {
$old_perms = substr(sprintf('%o', fileperms($parent_dir)), -4);
$filetransfer->chmod($parent_dir, 0755);
$this->makeWorldReadable($filetransfer, $directory);
// Put the permissions back.
$filetransfer->chmod($parent_dir, intval($old_perms, 8));
catch (FileTransferException $e) {
$message = t($e->getMessage(), $e->arguments);
$throw_message = t('Unable to create %directory due to the following: %reason', array('%directory' => $directory, '%reason' => $message));
throw new UpdaterException($throw_message);
// Put the parent directory back.
@chmod($parent_dir, 0555);