1 date.inc date_format_patterns($strict = FALSE)

Constructs an array of regex replacement strings for date format elements.


bool $strict: Whether or not to force 2 digits for elements that sometimes allow either 1 or 2 digits.

Return value

array: An array of date() format letters and their regex equivalents.


core/includes/date.inc, line 412
Date API functions.


function date_format_patterns($strict = FALSE) {
  return array(
    'd' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
    'm' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
    'h' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
    'H' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
    'i' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
    's' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
    'j' => '\d{1,2}',
    'N' => '\d',
    'S' => '\w{2}',
    'w' => '\d',
    'W' => '\d{1,2}',
    'n' => '\d{1,2}',
    't' => '\d{2}',
    'L' => '\d',
    'o' => '\d{4}',
    'Y' => '-?\d{1,6}',
    'y' => '\d{2}',
    'B' => '\d{3}',
    'g' => '\d{1,2}',
    'G' => '\d{1,2}',
    'e' => '\w*',
    'I' => '\d',
    'T' => '\w*',
    'U' => '\d*',
    'z' => '[+-]?\d*',
    // Using S instead of w and 3 as well as 4 to pick up non-ASCII chars like
    // German umlaut. Per http://drupal.org/node/1101284, we may need as little
    // as 2 and as many as 5 characters in some languages.
    'D' => '\S{2,5}',
    'l' => '\S*',
    'M' => '\S{2,5}',
    'F' => '\S*',
    'P' => '[+-]?\d{2}\:\d{2}',
    'O' => '[+-]\d{4}',
    'c' => '(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})([+-]?\d{2}\:\d{2})',
    'r' => '(\w{3}), (\d{2})\s(\w{3})\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})([+-]?\d{4})?',