- <?php
- * @file
- * Date API functions.
- */
- * Set up some constants.
- *
- * Includes standard date types, format strings, strict regex strings for ISO
- * and DATETIME formats (seconds are optional).
- *
- * The loose regex will find any variety of ISO date and time, with or
- * without time, with or without dashes and colons separating the elements,
- * and with either a 'T' or a space separating date and time.
- */
- define('DATE_ISO', 'date');
- define('DATE_UNIX', 'datestamp');
- define('DATE_DATETIME', 'datetime');
- define('DATE_ARRAY', 'array');
- define('DATE_OBJECT', 'object');
- define('DATE_ICAL', 'ical');
- define('DATE_FORMAT_ISO', "Y-m-d\TH:i:s");
- define('DATE_FORMAT_UNIX', "U");
- define('DATE_FORMAT_DATETIME', "Y-m-d H:i:s");
- define('DATE_FORMAT_ICAL', "Ymd\THis");
- define('DATE_FORMAT_ICAL_DATE', "Ymd");
- define('DATE_FORMAT_DATE', 'Y-m-d');
- define('DATE_FORMAT_TIME', 'H:i:s');
- define('DATE_REGEX_ISO', '/(\d{4})?(-(\d{2}))?(-(\d{2}))?([T\s](\d{2}))?(:(\d{2}))?(:(\d{2}))?/');
- define('DATE_REGEX_DATETIME', '/(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?/');
- define('DATE_REGEX_LOOSE', '/(\d{4})-?(\d{1,2})-?(\d{1,2})([T\s]?(\d{2}):?(\d{2}):?(\d{2})?(\.\d+)?(Z|[\+\-]\d{2}:?\d{2})?)?/');
- define('DATE_REGEX_ICAL_DATE', '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/');
- define('DATE_REGEX_ICAL_DATETIME', '/(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})T(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(Z)?/');
- define('DATE_MIN_YEAR', 1);
- define('DATE_MAX_YEAR', 4000);
- * Helper function for getting the format string for a date type.
- *
- * @param string $type
- * A date type format name.
- *
- * @return string
- * A date type format, like 'Y-m-d H:i:s'.
- */
- function date_type_format($type) {
- switch ($type) {
- case DATE_ISO:
- case DATE_UNIX:
- case DATE_ICAL:
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- * Constructs an untranslated array of month names.
- *
- * Needed for CSS, translation functions, strtotime(), and other places
- * that use the English versions of these words.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of month names.
- */
- function date_month_names_untranslated() {
- static $month_names;
- if (empty($month_names)) {
- $month_names = array(
- 1 => 'January',
- 2 => 'February',
- 3 => 'March',
- 4 => 'April',
- 5 => 'May',
- 6 => 'June',
- 7 => 'July',
- 8 => 'August',
- 9 => 'September',
- 10 => 'October',
- 11 => 'November',
- 12 => 'December',
- );
- }
- return $month_names;
- }
- * Returns a translated array of month names.
- *
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of month names.
- */
- function date_month_names($required = FALSE) {
- $month_names = array();
- foreach (date_month_names_untranslated() as $key => $month) {
- $month_names[$key] = t($month, array(), array('context' => 'Long month name'));
- }
- $none = array('' => '');
- return !$required ? $none + $month_names : $month_names;
- }
- * Constructs a translated array of month name abbreviations.
- *
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- * @param int $length
- * (optional) The length of the abbreviation. Defaults to 3.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of month abbreviations.
- */
- function date_month_names_abbr($required = FALSE, $length = 3) {
- $month_names = array();
- foreach (date_month_names_untranslated() as $key => $month) {
- if ($length == 3) {
- $month_names[$key] = t(substr($month, 0, $length), array());
- }
- else {
- $month_names[$key] = t(substr($month, 0, $length), array(), array('context' => 'month_abbr'));
- }
- }
- $none = array('' => '');
- return !$required ? $none + $month_names : $month_names;
- }
- * Constructs an untranslated array of week days.
- *
- * Needed for CSS, translation functions, strtotime(), and other places
- * that use the English versions of these words.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of week day names
- */
- function date_week_days_untranslated() {
- static $weekdays;
- if (empty($weekdays)) {
- $weekdays = array(
- 'Sunday',
- 'Monday',
- 'Tuesday',
- 'Wednesday',
- 'Thursday',
- 'Friday',
- 'Saturday',
- );
- }
- return $weekdays;
- }
- * Returns a translated array of week names.
- *
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of week day names
- */
- function date_week_days($required = FALSE) {
- $weekdays = array();
- foreach (date_week_days_untranslated() as $key => $day) {
- $weekdays[$key] = t($day, array(), array('context' => ''));
- }
- $none = array('' => '');
- return !$required ? $none + $weekdays : $weekdays;
- }
- * Constructs a translated array of week day abbreviations.
- *
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- * @param int $length
- * (optional) The length of the abbreviation. Defaults to 3.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of week day abbreviations
- */
- function date_week_days_abbr($required = FALSE, $length = 3) {
- $weekdays = array();
- switch ($length) {
- case 1:
- $context = 'day_abbr1';
- break;
- case 2:
- $context = 'day_abbr2';
- break;
- default:
- $context = '';
- break;
- }
- foreach (date_week_days_untranslated() as $key => $day) {
- $weekdays[$key] = t(substr($day, 0, $length), array(), array('context' => $context));
- }
- $none = array('' => '');
- return !$required ? $none + $weekdays : $weekdays;
- }
- * Reorders weekdays to match the first day of the week.
- *
- * @param array $weekdays
- * An array of weekdays.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of weekdays reordered to match the first day of the week.
- */
- function date_week_days_ordered($weekdays) {
- $first_day = config_get('system.date','first_day');
- if ($first_day > 0) {
- for ($i = 1; $i <= $first_day; $i++) {
- $last = array_shift($weekdays);
- array_push($weekdays, $last);
- }
- }
- return $weekdays;
- }
- * Constructs an array of years.
- *
- * @param int $start
- * The start year in the array.
- * @param int $end
- * The end year in the array.
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of years in the selected range.
- */
- function date_years($start = 0, $end = 0, $required = FALSE) {
- if (empty($start)) {
- $start = intval(date('Y', REQUEST_TIME) - 3);
- }
- if (empty($end)) {
- $end = intval(date('Y', REQUEST_TIME) + 3);
- }
- $none = array(0 => '');
- return !$required ? $none + backdrop_map_assoc(range($start, $end)) : backdrop_map_assoc(range($start, $end));
- }
- * Constructs an array of days in a month.
- *
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- * @param int $month
- * (optional) The month in which to find the number of days.
- * @param int $year
- * (optional) The year in which to find the number of days.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of days for the selected month.
- */
- function date_days($required = FALSE, $month = NULL, $year = NULL) {
- if (!empty($month) && !empty($year)) {
- $date = new BackdropDateTime($year . '-' . $month . '-01 00:00:00', 'UTC');
- $max = $date->format('t');
- }
- if (empty($max)) {
- $max = 31;
- }
- $none = array(0 => '');
- return !$required ? $none + backdrop_map_assoc(range(1, $max)) : backdrop_map_assoc(range(1, $max));
- }
- * Constructs an array of hours.
- *
- * @param string $format
- * A date format string.
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of hours in the selected format.
- */
- function date_hours($format = 'H', $required = FALSE) {
- $hours = array();
- if ($format == 'h' || $format == 'g') {
- $min = 1;
- $max = 12;
- }
- else {
- $min = 0;
- $max = 23;
- }
- for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i++) {
- $hours[$i] = $i < 10 && ($format == 'H' || $format == 'h') ? "0$i" : $i;
- }
- $none = array('' => '');
- return !$required ? $none + $hours : $hours;
- }
- * Constructs an array of minutes.
- *
- * @param string $format
- * A date format string.
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- * @param int $increment
- * (optional) The number by which the minutes should be incremented. Defaults
- * to 1.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of minutes in the selected format.
- */
- function date_minutes($format = 'i', $required = FALSE, $increment = 1) {
- $minutes = array();
- if (empty($increment)) {
- $increment = 1;
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i += $increment) {
- $minutes[$i] = $i < 10 && $format == 'i' ? "0$i" : $i;
- }
- $none = array('' => '');
- return !$required ? $none + $minutes : $minutes;
- }
- * Constructs an array of seconds.
- *
- * @param string $format
- * A date format string.
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- * @param int $increment
- * (optional) The number by which the seconds should be incremented. Defaults
- * to 1.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of seconds in the selected format.
- */
- function date_seconds($format = 's', $required = FALSE, $increment = 1) {
- $seconds = array();
- if (empty($increment)) {
- $increment = 1;
- }
- for ($i = 0; $i < 60; $i += $increment) {
- $seconds[$i] = $i < 10 && $format == 's' ? "0$i" : $i;
- }
- $none = array('' => '');
- return !$required ? $none + $seconds : $seconds;
- }
- * Constructs an array of AM and PM options.
- *
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of AM and PM options.
- */
- function date_ampm($required = FALSE) {
- $none = array('' => '');
- $ampm = array(
- 'am' => t('am', array(), array('context' => 'ampm')),
- 'pm' => t('pm', array(), array('context' => 'ampm')),
- );
- return !$required ? $none + $ampm : $ampm;
- }
- * Constructs an array of regex replacement strings for date format elements.
- *
- * @param bool $strict
- * Whether or not to force 2 digits for elements that sometimes allow either
- * 1 or 2 digits.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of date() format letters and their regex equivalents.
- */
- function date_format_patterns($strict = FALSE) {
- return array(
- 'd' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
- 'm' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
- 'h' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
- 'H' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
- 'i' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
- 's' => '\d{' . ($strict ? '2' : '1,2') . '}',
- 'j' => '\d{1,2}',
- 'N' => '\d',
- 'S' => '\w{2}',
- 'w' => '\d',
- 'W' => '\d{1,2}',
- 'n' => '\d{1,2}',
- 't' => '\d{2}',
- 'L' => '\d',
- 'o' => '\d{4}',
- 'Y' => '-?\d{1,6}',
- 'y' => '\d{2}',
- 'B' => '\d{3}',
- 'g' => '\d{1,2}',
- 'G' => '\d{1,2}',
- 'e' => '\w*',
- 'I' => '\d',
- 'T' => '\w*',
- 'U' => '\d*',
- 'z' => '[+-]?\d*',
- 'D' => '\S{2,5}',
- 'l' => '\S*',
- 'M' => '\S{2,5}',
- 'F' => '\S*',
- 'P' => '[+-]?\d{2}\:\d{2}',
- 'O' => '[+-]\d{4}',
- 'c' => '(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})T(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})([+-]?\d{2}\:\d{2})',
- 'r' => '(\w{3}), (\d{2})\s(\w{3})\s(\d{2,4})\s(\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})([+-]?\d{4})?',
- );
- }
- * Constructs an array of granularity options and their labels.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of translated date parts, keyed by their machine name.
- */
- function date_granularity_names() {
- return array(
- 'year' => t('Year', array(), array('context' => 'datetime')),
- 'month' => t('Month', array(), array('context' => 'datetime')),
- 'day' => t('Day', array(), array('context' => 'datetime')),
- 'hour' => t('Hour', array(), array('context' => 'datetime')),
- 'minute' => t('Minute', array(), array('context' => 'datetime')),
- 'second' => t('Second', array(), array('context' => 'datetime')),
- );
- }
- * Sorts a granularity array.
- *
- * @param array $granularity
- * An array of date parts.
- *
- * @return array
- * The list of date parts sorted from largest to smallest granularity.
- */
- function date_granularity_sorted($granularity) {
- return array_intersect(array(
- 'year',
- 'month',
- 'day',
- 'hour',
- 'minute',
- 'second',
- ), $granularity);
- }
- * Constructs an array of granularity based on a given precision.
- *
- * @param string $precision
- * A granularity item.
- *
- * @return array
- * A granularity array containing the given precision and all those above it.
- * For example, passing in 'month' will return array('year', 'month').
- */
- function date_granularity_array_from_precision($precision) {
- $granularity_array = array('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second');
- switch ($precision) {
- case 'year':
- return array_slice($granularity_array, -6, 1);
- case 'month':
- return array_slice($granularity_array, -6, 2);
- case 'day':
- return array_slice($granularity_array, -6, 3);
- case 'hour':
- return array_slice($granularity_array, -6, 4);
- case 'minute':
- return array_slice($granularity_array, -6, 5);
- default:
- return $granularity_array;
- }
- }
- * Give a granularity array, return the highest precision.
- *
- * @param array $granularity_array
- * An array of date parts.
- *
- * @return string
- * The most precise element in a granularity array.
- */
- function date_granularity_precision($granularity_array) {
- $input = date_granularity_sorted($granularity_array);
- return array_pop($input);
- }
- * Returns a translated array of timezone names.
- *
- * Cache the untranslated array, make the translated array a static variable.
- *
- * @param bool $required
- * (optional) If FALSE, the returned array will include a blank value.
- * Defaults to FALSE.
- * @param bool $refresh
- * (optional) Whether to refresh the list. Defaults to FALSE.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of timezone names.
- */
- function date_timezone_names($required = FALSE, $refresh = FALSE) {
- static $zone_names;
- if (empty($zone_names) || $refresh) {
- $cached = cache_get('date_timezone_identifiers_list');
- $zone_names = !empty($cached) ? $cached->data : array();
- if ($refresh || empty($cached) || empty($zone_names)) {
- $data = timezone_identifiers_list();
- asort($data);
- foreach ($data as $delta => $zone) {
- if (preg_match('!^((Africa|America|Antarctica|Arctic|Asia|Atlantic|Australia|Europe|Indian|Pacific)/|UTC$)!', $zone)) {
- $zone_names[$zone] = $zone;
- }
- }
- if (!empty($zone_names)) {
- cache_set('date_timezone_identifiers_list', $zone_names);
- }
- }
- foreach ($zone_names as $zone) {
- $zone_names[$zone] = t('!timezone', array('!timezone' => t($zone)));
- }
- }
- $none = array('' => '');
- return !$required ? $none + $zone_names : $zone_names;
- }
- * Returns an array of system-allowed timezone abbreviations.
- *
- * Cache an array of just the abbreviation names because the whole
- * timezone_abbreviations_list() is huge, so we don't want to retrieve it more
- * than necessary.
- *
- * @param bool $refresh
- * (optional) Whether to refresh the list. Defaults to TRUE.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of allowed timezone abbreviations.
- */
- function date_timezone_abbr($refresh = FALSE) {
- $cached = cache_get('date_timezone_abbreviations');
- $data = isset($cached->data) ? $cached->data : array();
- if (empty($data) || $refresh) {
- $data = array_keys(timezone_abbreviations_list());
- cache_set('date_timezone_abbreviations', $data);
- }
- return $data;
- }
- * Formats a date, using a date type or a custom date format string.
- *
- * Reworked from Drupal's format_date function to handle pre-1970 and
- * post-2038 dates and accept a date object instead of a timestamp as input.
- * Translates formatted date results, unlike PHP function date_format().
- * Should only be used for display, not input, because it can't be parsed.
- *
- * @param object $date
- * A date object.
- * @param string $type
- * (optional) The date format to use. Can be 'small', 'medium' or 'large' for
- * the preconfigured date formats. If 'custom' is specified, then $format is
- * required as well. Defaults to 'medium'.
- * @param string $format
- * (optional) A PHP date format string as required by date(). A backslash
- * should be used before a character to avoid interpreting the character as
- * part of a date format. Defaults to an empty string.
- * @param string $langcode
- * (optional) Language code to translate to. Defaults to NULL.
- *
- * @return string
- * A translated date string in the requested format.
- *
- * @see format_date()
- */
- function date_format_date($date, $type = 'medium', $format = '', $langcode = NULL) {
- if (empty($date)) {
- return '';
- }
- if ($type != 'custom'){
- $this_format = system_date_format_load($type, $include_hidden = TRUE);
- if (isset($this_format)){
- $format = $this_format['pattern'];
- }else{
- $this_format = system_date_format_load('medium');
- $format = $this_format['pattern'];
- }
- }
- $format = date_limit_format($format, $date->granularity);
- $max = strlen($format);
- $date_string = '';
- for ($i = 0; $i < $max; $i++) {
- $c = $format[$i];
- switch ($c) {
- case 'l':
- $date_string .= t($date->format('l'), array(), array('context' => '', 'langcode' => $langcode));
- break;
- case 'D':
- $date_string .= t($date->format('D'), array(), array('context' => '', 'langcode' => $langcode));
- break;
- case 'F':
- $date_string .= t($date->format('F'), array(), array('context' => 'Long month name', 'langcode' => $langcode));
- break;
- case 'M':
- $date_string .= t($date->format('M'), array(), array('langcode' => $langcode));
- break;
- case 'A':
- case 'a':
- $date_string .= t($date->format($c), array(), array('context' => 'ampm', 'langcode' => $langcode));
- break;
- case 'e':
- case 'T':
- $date_string .= t($date->format($c));
- break;
- case 'O':
- $date_string .= sprintf('%s%02d%02d', (date_offset_get($date) < 0 ? '-' : '+'), abs(date_offset_get($date) / 3600), abs(date_offset_get($date) % 3600) / 60);
- break;
- case 'P':
- $date_string .= sprintf('%s%02d:%02d', (date_offset_get($date) < 0 ? '-' : '+'), abs(date_offset_get($date) / 3600), abs(date_offset_get($date) % 3600) / 60);
- break;
- case 'Z':
- $date_string .= date_offset_get($date);
- break;
- case '\\':
- $date_string .= $format[++$i];
- break;
- case 'r':
- $date_string .= date_format_date($date, 'custom', 'D, d M Y H:i:s O', 'en');
- break;
- default:
- if (strpos('BdcgGhHiIjLmnNosStTuUwWYyz', $c) !== FALSE) {
- $date_string .= $date->format($c);
- }
- else {
- $date_string .= $c;
- }
- }
- }
- return $date_string;
- }
- * Formats a time interval with granularity, including past and future context.
- *
- * @param object $date
- * The current date object.
- * @param int $granularity
- * (optional) Number of units to display in the string. Defaults to 2.
- *
- * @return string
- * A translated string representation of the interval.
- *
- * @see format_interval()
- */
- function date_format_interval($date, $granularity = 2, $display_ago = TRUE) {
- if (empty($date)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- $interval = REQUEST_TIME - $date->format('U');
- if ($interval > 0) {
- return $display_ago ? t('!time ago', array('!time' => format_interval($interval, $granularity))) :
- t('!time', array('!time' => format_interval($interval, $granularity)));
- }
- else {
- return format_interval(abs($interval), $granularity);
- }
- }
- * A date object for the current time.
- *
- * @param object $timezone
- * (optional) Optionally force time to a specific timezone, defaults to user
- * timezone, if set, otherwise site timezone. Defaults to NULL.
- *
- * @param bool $reset
- * (optional) Static cache reset.
- *
- * @return BackdropDateTime
- * The current time as a date object.
- */
- function date_now($timezone = NULL, $reset = FALSE) {
- $now = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__ . $timezone);
- if (!isset($now) || $reset) {
- $now = new BackdropDateTime('now', $timezone);
- }
- $clone = clone $now;
- return $clone;
- }
- * Determines if a timezone string is valid.
- *
- * @param string $timezone
- * A potentially invalid timezone string.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if the timezone is valid, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- function date_timezone_is_valid($timezone) {
- static $timezone_names;
- if (empty($timezone_names)) {
- $timezone_names = array_keys(date_timezone_names(TRUE));
- }
- return in_array($timezone, $timezone_names);
- }
- * Returns a timezone name to use as a default.
- *
- * @param bool $check_user
- * (optional) Whether or not to check for a user-configured timezone.
- * Defaults to TRUE.
- *
- * @return string
- * The default timezone for a user, if available, otherwise the site.
- */
- function date_default_timezone($check_user = TRUE) {
- global $user;
- if ($check_user && config_get('system.date','user_configurable_timezones') && !empty($user->timezone)) {
- return $user->timezone;
- }
- else {
- $default = config_get('system.date','default_timezone');
- return empty($default) ? 'UTC' : $default;
- }
- }
- * Returns a timezone object for the default timezone.
- *
- * @param bool $check_user
- * (optional) Whether or not to check for a user-configured timezone.
- * Defaults to TRUE.
- *
- * @return object
- * The default timezone for a user, if available, otherwise the site.
- */
- function date_default_timezone_object($check_user = TRUE) {
- return timezone_open(date_default_timezone($check_user));
- }
- * Identifies the number of days in a month for a date.
- */
- function date_days_in_month($year, $month) {
- $datetime = date_pad($year, 4) . '-' . date_pad($month) . '-15 00:00:00';
- $date = new BackdropDateTime($datetime);
- return $date->format('t');
- }
- * Identifies the number of days in a year for a date.
- *
- * @param mixed $date
- * (optional) The current date object, or a date string. Defaults to NULL.
- *
- * @return int
- * The number of days in the year.
- */
- function date_days_in_year($date = NULL) {
- if (empty($date)) {
- $date = date_now();
- }
- elseif (!is_object($date)) {
- $date = new BackdropDateTime($date);
- }
- if (is_object($date)) {
- if ($date->format('L')) {
- return 366;
- }
- else {
- return 365;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- * Identifies the number of ISO weeks in a year for a date.
- *
- * December 28 is always in the last ISO week of the year.
- *
- * @param mixed $date
- * (optional) The current date object, or a date string. Defaults to NULL.
- *
- * @return int
- * The number of ISO weeks in a year.
- */
- function date_iso_weeks_in_year($date = NULL) {
- if (empty($date)) {
- $date = date_now();
- }
- elseif (!is_object($date)) {
- $date = new BackdropDateTime($date);
- }
- if (is_object($date)) {
- date_date_set($date, $date->format('Y'), 12, 28);
- return $date->format('W');
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- * Returns day of week for a given date (0 = Sunday).
- *
- * @param mixed $date
- * (optional) A date, default is current local day. Defaults to NULL.
- *
- * @return int
- * The number of the day in the week.
- */
- function date_day_of_week($date = NULL) {
- if (empty($date)) {
- $date = date_now();
- }
- elseif (!is_object($date)) {
- $date = new BackdropDateTime($date);
- }
- if (is_object($date)) {
- return $date->format('w');
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- * Returns translated name of the day of week for a given date.
- *
- * @param mixed $date
- * (optional) A date, default is current local day. Defaults to NULL.
- * @param string $abbr
- * (optional) Whether to return the abbreviated name for that day.
- * Defaults to TRUE.
- *
- * @return string
- * The name of the day in the week for that date.
- */
- function date_day_of_week_name($date = NULL, $abbr = TRUE) {
- if (!is_object($date)) {
- $date = new BackdropDateTime($date);
- }
- $dow = date_day_of_week($date);
- $days = $abbr ? date_week_days_abbr() : date_week_days();
- return $days[$dow];
- }
- * Calculates the start and end dates for a calendar week.
- *
- * The dates are adjusted to use the chosen first day of week for this site.
- *
- * @param int $week
- * The week value.
- * @param int $year
- * The year value.
- *
- * @return array
- * A numeric array containing the start and end dates of a week.
- */
- function date_week_range($week, $year) {
- $first_day = config_get('system.date','first_day');
- if ($first_day == 1) {
- return date_iso_week_range($week, $year);
- }
- $min_date = new BackdropDateTime($year . '-01-01 00:00:00');
- $min_date->setTimezone(date_default_timezone_object());
- date_modify($min_date, '+' . strval(7 * ($week - 1)) . ' days');
- $day_wday = date_format($min_date, 'w');
- date_modify($min_date, '-' . strval((7 + $day_wday - $first_day) % 7) . ' days');
- $max_date = clone($min_date);
- date_modify($max_date, '+6 days');
- if (date_format($min_date, 'Y') != $year) {
- $min_date = new BackdropDateTime($year . '-01-01 00:00:00');
- }
- return array($min_date, $max_date);
- }
- * Calculates the start and end dates for an ISO week.
- *
- * See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Week#Week_numbering.
- *
- * @param int $week
- * The week value.
- * @param int $year
- * The year value.
- *
- * @return array
- * A numeric array containing the start and end dates of an ISO week.
- */
- function date_iso_week_range($week, $year) {
- $min_date = new BackdropDateTime(($year - 1) . '-12-28 00:00:00');
- date_timezone_set($min_date, date_default_timezone_object());
- date_modify($min_date, '+1 Monday');
- if ($week > 1) {
- date_modify($min_date, '+ ' . ($week - 1) . ' weeks');
- }
- $max_date = clone($min_date);
- date_modify($max_date, '+6 days');
- return array($min_date, $max_date);
- }
- * The number of calendar weeks in a year.
- *
- * PHP week functions return the ISO week, not the calendar week.
- *
- * @param int $year
- * A year value.
- *
- * @return int
- * Number of calendar weeks in selected year.
- */
- function date_weeks_in_year($year) {
- $date = new BackdropDateTime(($year + 1) . '-01-01 12:00:00', 'UTC');
- date_modify($date, '-1 day');
- return date_week($date->format('Y-m-d'));
- }
- * The calendar week number for a date.
- *
- * PHP week functions return the ISO week, not the calendar week.
- *
- * @param string $date
- * A date string in the format Y-m-d.
- *
- * @return int
- * The calendar week number.
- */
- function date_week($date) {
- $date = substr($date, 0, 10);
- $parts = explode('-', $date);
- $first_day = config_get('system.date','first_day');
- $date = new BackdropDateTime($date . ' 12:00:00', 'UTC');
- if ($first_day == 1) {
- return intval($date->format('W'));
- }
- $year_date = new BackdropDateTime($parts[0] . '-01-01 12:00:00', 'UTC');
- $week = intval($date->format('W'));
- $year_week = intval(date_format($year_date, 'W'));
- $date_year = intval($date->format('o'));
- if ($date_year > intval($parts[0])) {
- $last_date = clone($date);
- date_modify($last_date, '-7 days');
- $week = date_format($last_date, 'W') + 1;
- }
- elseif ($date_year < intval($parts[0])) {
- $week = 0;
- }
- if ($year_week != 1) {
- $week++;
- }
- $iso_first_day = 1 + ($first_day + 6) % 7;
- if (intval($date->format('N')) < $iso_first_day) {
- $week--;
- }
- if (intval(date_format($year_date, 'N')) < $iso_first_day) {
- $week++;
- }
- return $week;
- }
- * Helper function to left pad date parts with zeros.
- *
- * Provided because this is needed so often with dates.
- *
- * @param int $value
- * The value to pad.
- * @param int $size
- * (optional) Total size expected, usually 2 or 4. Defaults to 2.
- *
- * @return string
- * The padded value.
- */
- function date_pad($value, $size = 2) {
- return sprintf("%0" . $size . "d", $value);
- }
- * Determines if the granularity contains a time portion.
- *
- * @param array $granularity
- * An array of allowed date parts, all others will be removed.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if the granularity contains a time portion, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- function date_has_time($granularity) {
- if (!is_array($granularity)) {
- $granularity = array();
- }
- $options = array('hour', 'minute', 'second');
- return (bool) count(array_intersect($granularity, $options));
- }
- * Determines if the granularity contains a date portion.
- *
- * @param array $granularity
- * An array of allowed date parts, all others will be removed.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if the granularity contains a date portion, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- function date_has_date($granularity) {
- if (!is_array($granularity)) {
- $granularity = array();
- }
- $options = array('year', 'month', 'day');
- return (bool) count(array_intersect($granularity, $options));
- }
- * Helper function to get a format for a specific part of a date field.
- *
- * @param string $part
- * The date field part, either 'time' or 'date'.
- * @param string $format
- * A date format string.
- *
- * @return string
- * The date format for the given part.
- */
- function date_part_format($part, $format) {
- switch ($part) {
- case 'date':
- return date_limit_format($format, array('year', 'month', 'day'));
- case 'time':
- return date_limit_format($format, array('hour', 'minute', 'second'));
- default:
- return date_limit_format($format, array($part));
- }
- }
- * Limits a date format to include only elements from a given granularity array.
- *
- * Example:
- * date_limit_format('F j, Y - H:i', array('year', 'month', 'day'));
- * returns 'F j, Y'
- *
- * @param string $format
- * A date format string.
- * @param array $granularity
- * An array of allowed date parts, all others will be removed.
- *
- * @return string
- * The format string with all other elements removed.
- */
- function date_limit_format($format, $granularity) {
- static $backdrop_static_fast;
- if (!isset($backdrop_static_fast)) {
- $backdrop_static_fast['formats'] = &backdrop_static(__FUNCTION__);
- }
- $formats = &$backdrop_static_fast['formats'];
- $format_granularity_cid = $format . '|' . implode(',', $granularity);
- if (isset($formats[$format_granularity_cid])) {
- return $formats[$format_granularity_cid];
- }
- $replace = array(
- '\-' => '-',
- '\:' => ':',
- "\'" => "'",
- '\. ' => ' . ',
- '\,' => ',',
- );
- $format = strtr($format, $replace);
- if (!date_has_time($granularity) || !date_has_date($granularity)) {
- $format = str_replace('\T', ' ', $format);
- $format = str_replace('T', ' ', $format);
- }
- $regex = array();
- if (!date_has_time($granularity)) {
- $regex[] = '((?<!\\\\)[a|A])';
- }
- foreach (date_nongranularity($granularity) as $element) {
- switch ($element) {
- case 'year':
- $regex[] = '([\-/\.,:]?\s?(?<!\\\\)[Yy])';
- break;
- case 'day':
- $regex[] = '([\-/\.,:]?\s?(?<!\\\\)[l|D|d|dS|j|jS|N|w|W|z]{1,2})';
- break;
- case 'month':
- $regex[] = '([\-/\.,:]?\s?(?<!\\\\)[FMmn])';
- break;
- case 'hour':
- $regex[] = '([\-/\.,:]?\s?(?<!\\\\)[HhGg])';
- break;
- case 'minute':
- $regex[] = '([\-/\.,:]?\s?(?<!\\\\)[i])';
- break;
- case 'second':
- $regex[] = '([\-/\.,:]?\s?(?<!\\\\)[s])';
- break;
- case 'timezone':
- $regex[] = '([\-/\.,:]?\s?(?<!\\\\)[TOZPe])';
- break;
- }
- }
- $regex[] = '(\(\))';
- $regex[] = '(\[\])';
- $regex[] = '(\|\|)';
- $format = trim(preg_replace($regex, array(), $format));
- $format = preg_replace('`^([\-/\.,:\'])`', '', $format);
- $format = preg_replace('([\-/,:\']$)', '', $format);
- $format = preg_replace('(\\$)', '', $format);
- $format = trim($format);
- $test = trim(preg_replace('(\\\\\S{1,3})u', '', $format));
- if (empty($test)) {
- $format = '';
- }
- $formats[$format_granularity_cid] = $format;
- return $format;
- }
- * Converts a format to an ordered array of granularity parts.
- *
- * Example:
- * date_format_order('m/d/Y H:i')
- * returns
- * array(
- * 0 => 'month',
- * 1 => 'day',
- * 2 => 'year',
- * 3 => 'hour',
- * 4 => 'minute',
- * );
- *
- * @param string $format
- * A date format string.
- *
- * @return array
- * An array of ordered granularity elements from the given format string.
- */
- function date_format_order($format) {
- $order = array();
- if (empty($format)) {
- return $order;
- }
- $max = strlen($format);
- for ($i = 0; $i <= $max; $i++) {
- if (!isset($format[$i])) {
- break;
- }
- switch ($format[$i]) {
- case 'd':
- case 'j':
- $order[] = 'day';
- break;
- case 'F':
- case 'M':
- case 'm':
- case 'n':
- $order[] = 'month';
- break;
- case 'Y':
- case 'y':
- $order[] = 'year';
- break;
- case 'g':
- case 'G':
- case 'h':
- case 'H':
- $order[] = 'hour';
- break;
- case 'i':
- $order[] = 'minute';
- break;
- case 's':
- $order[] = 'second';
- break;
- }
- }
- return $order;
- }
- * Strips out unwanted granularity elements.
- *
- * @param array $granularity
- * An array like ('year', 'month', 'day', 'hour', 'minute', 'second');
- *
- * @return array
- * A reduced set of granularity elements.
- */
- function date_nongranularity($granularity) {
- $options = array(
- 'year',
- 'month',
- 'day',
- 'hour',
- 'minute',
- 'second',
- 'timezone',
- );
- return array_diff($options, (array) $granularity);
- }
- * Function to figure out which local timezone applies to a date and select it.
- *
- * @param string $handling
- * The timezone handling.
- * @param string $timezone
- * (optional) A timezone string. Defaults to an empty string.
- *
- * @return string
- * The timezone string.
- */
- function date_get_timezone($handling, $timezone = '') {
- switch ($handling) {
- case 'date':
- $timezone = !empty($timezone) ? $timezone : date_default_timezone();
- break;
- case 'utc':
- $timezone = 'UTC';
- break;
- default:
- $timezone = date_default_timezone();
- }
- return $timezone > '' ? $timezone : date_default_timezone();
- }
- * Function to figure out which DB timezone applies to a date.
- *
- * @param string $handling
- * The timezone handling.
- * @param string $timezone
- * (optional) When $handling is 'date', date_get_timezone_db() returns this
- * value.
- *
- * @return string
- * The timezone string.
- */
- function date_get_timezone_db($handling, $timezone = NULL) {
- switch ($handling) {
- case ('utc'):
- case ('site'):
- case ('user'):
- $timezone = 'UTC';
- break;
- case ('date'):
- if ($timezone == NULL) {
- $timezone = date_default_timezone();
- }
- break;
- case ('none'):
- default:
- $timezone = date_default_timezone();
- break;
- }
- return $timezone;
- }
- * Tests validity of a date range string.
- *
- * @param string $string
- * A min and max year string like '-3:+1'a.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if the date range is valid, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- function date_range_valid($string) {
- $matches = preg_match('@^([\+\-][0-9]+|[0-9]{4}):([\+\-][0-9]+|[0-9]{4})$@', $string);
- return $matches < 1 ? FALSE : TRUE;
- }
- * Splits a string like -3:+3 or 2001:2010 into an array of start and end years.
- *
- * Center the range around the current year, if any, but expand it far
- * enough so it will pick up the year value in the field in case
- * the value in the field is outside the initial range.
- *
- * @param string $string
- * A min and max year string like '-3:+1'.
- * @param object $date
- * (optional) A date object. Defaults to NULL.
- *
- * @return array
- * A numerically indexed array, containing a start and end year.
- */
- function date_range_years($string, $date = NULL) {
- $this_year = date_format(date_now(), 'Y');
- list($start_year, $end_year) = explode(':', $string);
- $plus_pattern = '@[\+\-][0-9]{1,4}@';
- $year_pattern = '@^[0-9]{4}@';
- if (!preg_match($year_pattern, $start_year, $matches)) {
- if (preg_match($plus_pattern, $start_year, $matches)) {
- $start_year = $this_year + $matches[0];
- }
- else {
- $start_year = $this_year;
- }
- }
- if (!preg_match($year_pattern, $end_year, $matches)) {
- if (preg_match($plus_pattern, $end_year, $matches)) {
- $end_year = $this_year + $matches[0];
- }
- else {
- $end_year = $this_year;
- }
- }
- $value_year = is_object($date) ? $date->format('Y') : '';
- if (!empty($value_year)) {
- if ($start_year <= $end_year) {
- $start_year = min($value_year, $start_year);
- $end_year = max($value_year, $end_year);
- }
- else {
- $start_year = max($value_year, $start_year);
- $end_year = min($value_year, $end_year);
- }
- }
- return array($start_year, $end_year);
- }
- * Converts a min and max year into a string like '-3:+1'.
- *
- * @param array $years
- * A numerically indexed array, containing a minimum and maximum year.
- *
- * @return string
- * A min and max year string like '-3:+1'.
- */
- function date_range_string($years) {
- $this_year = date_format(date_now(), 'Y');
- if ($years[0] < $this_year) {
- $min = '-' . ($this_year - $years[0]);
- }
- else {
- $min = '+' . ($years[0] - $this_year);
- }
- if ($years[1] < $this_year) {
- $max = '-' . ($this_year - $years[1]);
- }
- else {
- $max = '+' . ($years[1] - $this_year);
- }
- return $min . ':' . $max;
- }
- * Determine if a start/end date combination qualify as 'All day'.
- *
- * @param string $string1
- * A string date in datetime format for the 'start' date.
- * @param string $string2
- * A string date in datetime format for the 'end' date.
- * @param string $granularity
- * (optional) The granularity of the date. Defaults to 'second'.
- * @param int $increment
- * (optional) The increment of the date. Defaults to 1.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if the date is all day, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- function date_is_all_day($string1, $string2, $granularity = 'second', $increment = 1) {
- if (empty($string1) || empty($string2)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- elseif (!in_array($granularity, array('hour', 'minute', 'second'))) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- preg_match('/([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}) (([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}))/', $string1, $matches);
- $count = count($matches);
- $date1 = $count > 1 ? $matches[1] : '';
- $time1 = $count > 2 ? $matches[2] : '';
- $hour1 = $count > 3 ? intval($matches[3]) : 0;
- $min1 = $count > 4 ? intval($matches[4]) : 0;
- $sec1 = $count > 5 ? intval($matches[5]) : 0;
- preg_match('/([0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}) (([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}):([0-9]{2}))/', $string2, $matches);
- $count = count($matches);
- $date2 = $count > 1 ? $matches[1] : '';
- $time2 = $count > 2 ? $matches[2] : '';
- $hour2 = $count > 3 ? intval($matches[3]) : 0;
- $min2 = $count > 4 ? intval($matches[4]) : 0;
- $sec2 = $count > 5 ? intval($matches[5]) : 0;
- if (empty($date1) || empty($date2)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (empty($time1) || empty($time2)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- $tmp = date_seconds('s', TRUE, $increment);
- $max_seconds = intval(array_pop($tmp));
- $tmp = date_minutes('i', TRUE, $increment);
- $max_minutes = intval(array_pop($tmp));
- switch ($granularity) {
- case 'second':
- $min_match = $time1 == '00:00:00'
- || ($hour1 == 0 && $min1 == 0 && $sec1 == 0);
- $max_match = $time2 == '00:00:00'
- || ($hour2 == 23 && in_array($min2, array($max_minutes, 59)) && in_array($sec2, array($max_seconds, 59)))
- || ($hour1 == 0 && $hour2 == 0 && $min1 == 0 && $min2 == 0 && $sec1 == 0 && $sec2 == 0);
- break;
- case 'minute':
- $min_match = $time1 == '00:00:00'
- || ($hour1 == 0 && $min1 == 0);
- $max_match = $time2 == '00:00:00'
- || ($hour2 == 23 && in_array($min2, array($max_minutes, 59)))
- || ($hour1 == 0 && $hour2 == 0 && $min1 == 0 && $min2 == 0);
- break;
- case 'hour':
- $min_match = $time1 == '00:00:00'
- || ($hour1 == 0);
- $max_match = $time2 == '00:00:00'
- || ($hour2 == 23)
- || ($hour1 == 0 && $hour2 == 0);
- break;
- default:
- $min_match = TRUE;
- $max_match = FALSE;
- }
- if ($min_match && $max_match) {
- return TRUE;
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- * Helper function to round minutes and seconds to requested value.
- */
- function date_increment_round(&$date, $increment) {
- if (is_object($date) && $increment > 1) {
- $day = intval(date_format($date, 'j'));
- $hour = intval(date_format($date, 'H'));
- $second = intval(round(intval(date_format($date, 's')) / $increment) * $increment);
- $minute = intval(date_format($date, 'i'));
- if ($second == 60) {
- $minute += 1;
- $second = 0;
- }
- $minute = intval(round($minute / $increment) * $increment);
- if ($minute == 60) {
- $hour += 1;
- $minute = 0;
- }
- date_time_set($date, $hour, $minute, $second);
- if ($hour == 24) {
- $day += 1;
- $hour = 0;
- $year = date_format($date, 'Y');
- $month = date_format($date, 'n');
- date_date_set($date, $year, $month, $day);
- }
- }
- return $date;
- }
- * Determines if a date object is valid.
- *
- * @param object $date
- * The date object to check.
- *
- * @return bool
- * TRUE if the date is a valid date object, FALSE otherwise.
- */
- function date_is_date($date) {
- if (empty($date) || !is_object($date) || !empty($date->errors)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- return TRUE;
- }
- * Replace specific ISO values using patterns.
- *
- * Function will replace ISO values that have the pattern 9999-00-00T00:00:00
- * with a pattern like 9999-01-01T00:00:00, to match the behavior of non-ISO dates
- * and ensure that date objects created from this value contain a valid month
- * and day.
- * Without this fix, the ISO date '2020-00-00T00:00:00' would be created as
- * November 30, 2019 (the previous day in the previous month).
- *
- * @param string $iso_string
- * An ISO string that needs to be made into a complete, valid date.
- *
- * @return mixed|string
- * replaced value, or incoming value.
- *
- * @TODO Expand on this to work with all sorts of partial ISO dates.
- */
- function date_make_iso_valid($iso_string) {
- if (is_numeric($iso_string) || !preg_match(DATE_REGEX_ISO, $iso_string)) {
- return $iso_string;
- }
- if (substr($iso_string, 4, 6) == '-00-00') {
- return preg_replace('/([\d]{4}-)(00-00)(T[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2})/', '${1}01-01${3}', $iso_string);
- }
- elseif (substr($iso_string, 7, 3) == '-00') {
- return preg_replace('/([\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-)(00)(T[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2})/', '${1}01${3}', $iso_string);
- }
- return $iso_string;
- }