ConfigurationUITest |
class |
core/modules/config/tests/config.test |
Tests the UI for syncing, importing, and exporting. |
DBLogTestCase |
class |
core/modules/dblog/tests/dblog.test |
Tests logging messages to the database. |
PathTestCase |
class |
core/modules/path/tests/path.test |
Provides a base class for testing the Path module. |
PathTaxonomyTermTestCase |
class |
core/modules/path/tests/path.test |
Tests URL aliases for taxonomy terms. |
PathLanguageTestCase |
class |
core/modules/path/tests/path.test |
Tests URL aliases for translated nodes. |
PathLanguageUITestCase |
class |
core/modules/path/tests/path.test |
Tests the user interface for creating URL aliases, with languages. |
PathMonolingualTestCase |
class |
core/modules/path/tests/path.test |
Tests that paths are not prefixed on a monolingual site. |
FilterCRUDTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Tests for text format and filter CRUD operations. |
FilterAdminTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Tests the administrative functionality of the Filter module. |
FilterFormatAccessTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Tests the filter format access functionality in the Filter module. |
FilterDefaultFormatTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Tests the default filter functionality in the Filter module. |
FilterNoFormatTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Tests the behavior of check_markup() when it is called without text format. |
FilterSecurityTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Security tests for missing/vanished text formats or filters. |
FilterUnitTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Unit tests for core filters. |
FilterHooksTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Tests for Filter's hook invocations. |
FilterSettingsTestCase |
class |
core/modules/filter/tests/filter.test |
Tests filter settings. |
AdminBarWebTestCase |
class |
core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test |
Base class for all administration bar web test cases. |
AdminBarPermissionsTestCase |
class |
core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test |
Tests menu links depending on user permissions. |
AdminBarDynamicLinksTestCase |
class |
core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test |
Tests appearance, localization, and escaping of dynamic links. |
AdminBarLinkTypesTestCase |
class |
core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test |
Tests appearance of different types of links. |
AdminBarCustomizedTestCase |
class |
core/modules/admin_bar/tests/admin_bar.test |
Tests customized menu links. |
LanguageListTest |
class |
core/modules/language/tests/language.test |
Functional tests for the language list configuration forms. |
ColorTestCase |
class |
core/modules/color/tests/color.test |
Tests the Color module functionality. |
TaxonomyViewsHandlerRelationshipNodeTermDataTest |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy_views_handler_relationship_node_term_data.test |
Tests the relationship_node_term_data handler. |
TaxonomyWebTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Provides common helper methods for Taxonomy module tests. |
TaxonomyVocabularyFunctionalTest |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests the taxonomy vocabulary interface. |
TaxonomyVocabularyUnitTest |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests for taxonomy vocabulary functions. |
TaxonomyTermUnitTest |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Unit tests for taxonomy term functions. |
TaxonomyLegacyTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Test for legacy node bug. |
TaxonomyTermTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests for taxonomy term functions. |
TaxonomyRSSTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests the rendering of term reference fields in RSS feeds. |
TaxonomyTermIndexTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests the hook implementations that maintain the taxonomy index. |
TaxonomyLoadMultipleUnitTest |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Test the taxonomy_term_load_multiple() function. |
TaxonomyHooksTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests for taxonomy hook invocation. |
TaxonomyTermFieldTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests for taxonomy term field and formatter. |
TaxonomyTermFieldMultipleVocabularyTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests a taxonomy term reference field that allows multiple vocabularies. |
TaxonomyTokenReplaceTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Test taxonomy token replacement in strings. |
TaxonomyThemeTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests for verifying that taxonomy pages use the correct theme. |
TaxonomyEFQTestCase |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/tests/taxonomy.test |
Tests the functionality of EntityFieldQuery for taxonomy entities. |
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid_depth |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Filter handler for taxonomy terms with depth. |
views_handler_field_term_link_edit |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Field handler to present a term edit link. |
views_handler_argument_term_node_tid_depth |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Argument handler for taxonomy terms with depth. |
views_handler_argument_vocabulary |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Argument handler to accept a vocabulary name. |
views_handler_field_term_node_tid |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Field handler to display all taxonomy terms of a node. |
views_plugin_argument_default_taxonomy_tid |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Taxonomy tid default argument. |
views_handler_relationship_node_term_data |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Relationship handler to return the taxonomy terms of nodes. |
views_plugin_argument_validate_taxonomy_term |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Validate whether an argument is an acceptable node. |
views_handler_filter_vocabulary |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Filter by vocabulary name. |
views_handler_field_taxonomy |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Field handler to provide simple renderer that allows linking to a taxonomy
term. |
views_handler_filter_term_node_tid |
class |
core/modules/taxonomy/views/ |
Filter by term id. |