installer_test_query |
function |
core/modules/installer/tests/installer_test/installer_test.module |
Page callback. Generates json based on the input filters. |
SelectQueryInterface |
interface |
core/includes/database/ |
Interface definition for a Select Query object. |
SelectQuery::$fields |
property |
core/includes/database/ |
The fields to SELECT. |
SelectQuery::$tables |
property |
core/includes/database/ |
The tables against which to JOIN. |
SelectQuery::$having |
property |
core/includes/database/ |
The conditional object for the HAVING clause. |
hook_query_TAG_alter |
function |
core/modules/system/system.api.php |
Perform alterations to a structured query for a given tag. |
SelectQuery::compile |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Compiles the saved conditions for later retrieval. |
Query::$queryOptions |
property |
core/includes/database/ |
The query options to pass on to the connection object. |
SelectQuery::execute |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Runs the query against the database. |
SelectQuery::addJoin |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Join against another table in the database. |
SelectQuery::orderBy |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
jquery.treetable.css |
file |
core/modules/system/css/jquery.treetable.css |
table.treetable span.indenter {
display: inline-block;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
text-align: right;
/* Disable text selection of nodes (for better D&D UX) */
user-select: none;
-khtml-user-select: none;
-moz-user-select: none;
… |
SelectQuery::groupBy |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
SelectQuery::__clone |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Implements the magic __clone function. |
InsertQuery::execute |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Executes the insert query. |
DeleteQuery::compiled |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Check whether a condition has been previously compiled. |
TruncateQuery::$table |
property |
core/includes/database/ |
The table to truncate. |
jquery.ui.spinner.css |
file |
core/misc/ui/jquery.ui.spinner.css |
* jQuery UI Spinner 1.14.0
* Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
.ui-spinner… |
jquery.ui.tooltip.css |
file |
core/misc/ui/jquery.ui.tooltip.css |
* jQuery UI Tooltip 1.14.0
* Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
.ui-tooltip… |
NodeQueryAlter::setUp |
function |
core/modules/node/tests/node.test |
Sets up a Backdrop site for running functional and integration tests. |
UpdateQuery::compiled |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Check whether a condition has been previously compiled. |
SearchQuery::$matches |
property |
core/modules/search/ |
Indicates how many matches for a search query are necessary. |
MergeQuery::condition |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Helper function: builds the most common conditional clauses. |
SearchQuery::addScore |
function |
core/modules/search/ |
Adds a custom score expression to the search query. |
MergeQuery::isNotNull |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Sets a condition that the specified field be NOT NULL. |
MergeQuery::notExists |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Sets a condition that the specified subquery returns no values. |
MergeQuery::arguments |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Gets a complete list of all values to insert into the prepared statement. |
MergeQuery::getResult |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Return the result of the merge query. |
DatabaseQueryTestCase |
class |
core/modules/simpletest/tests/database_test.test |
Backdrop-specific SQL syntax tests. |
SelectQuery::compiled |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Check whether a condition has been previously compiled. |
Query::$connectionKey |
property |
core/includes/database/ |
The key of the connection object. |
SelectQuery::getUnion |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Returns a reference to the union queries for this query. This include
SelectQuery::distinct |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Sets this query to be DISTINCT. |
SelectQuery::addField |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Adds a field to the list to be SELECTed. |
ViewsQueryGroupByTest |
class |
core/modules/views/tests/views_groupby.test |
Tests aggregate functionality of views, for example count. |
SelectQuery::leftJoin |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Left Outer Join against another table in the database. |
EntityFieldQuery::age |
function |
core/modules/entity/ |
Queries the current or every revision. |
TruncateQuery::execute |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Executes the TRUNCATE query. |
jquery.ui.sortable.css |
file |
core/misc/ui/jquery.ui.sortable.css |
* jQuery UI Sortable 1.14.0
* Copyright OpenJS Foundation and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license.
.ui-sortable-handle {
touch-action: none;
} |
UpdateQuery::condition |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
UpdateQuery::isNotNull |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
UpdateQuery::notExists |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
UpdateQuery::arguments |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Gets a complete list of all values to insert into the prepared statement. |
SearchQuery::$multiply |
property |
core/modules/search/ |
Stores multipliers for score expressions. |
MergeQuery::expression |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Specifies fields to be updated as an expression. |
drupal_get_query_array |
function |
core/includes/ |
Splits a URL-encoded query string into an array. |
SearchQuery::setOption |
function |
core/modules/search/ |
Applies a search option and removes it from the search query string. |
SearchQuery::parseWord |
function |
core/modules/search/ |
Helper function for parseQuery(). |
MergeQuery::conditions |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Gets a complete list of all conditions in this conditional clause. |
MergeQuery::__toString |
function |
core/includes/database/ |
Implements PHP magic __toString method to convert the query to a string. |