Modules could previously (and preferably) create new node types by implementing hook_node_info(). However, as part of the conversion of node type and field definitions to CMI, hook_node_info() has been removed. Use node_type_save() in hook_install() instead.

Previous in node_example.module:

 * Implements hook_node_info().
 * We use hook_node_info() to define our node content type.
function node_example_node_info() {
// We define the node type as an associative array.
return array(
'node_example' => array(
'name' => t('Example Node Type'),
// 'base' tells Backdrop the base string for hook functions.
      // This is often the module name; if base is set to 'mymodule',
      // Backdrop would call mymodule_insert() or similar for node
      // hooks. In our case, the base is 'node_example'.
'base' => 'node_example',
'description' => t('This is an example node type with a few fields.'),
'title_label' => t('Example Title'),
// We'll set the 'locked' attribute to TRUE, so users won't be
      // able to change the machine name of our content type.
'locked' => TRUE,

Now, in node_example.install:

 * Implements hook_install().
function node_example_install() {
$node_example_node_type = array(
'type' => 'node_example',
'name' => t('Example Node Type'),
'base' => 'node_content',
'description' => t('This is an example node type with a few fields.'),
'custom' => 1,
'modified' => 1,
'locked' => 0,
'is_new' => TRUE,
'settings' => array(
'promote_enabled' => FALSE,

$node_example_node_type = node_type_set_defaults($node_example_node_type);
Introduced in branch: 
Introduced in version: 
Module developers