Since the Layout system was introduced to Backdrop in 1.0.0, there has been an ongoing effort to disambiguate between two separate Layout concepts:

  • Layout configurations (the saved configuration, usually to a JSON file)
  • Layout templates (the collection of a .tpl.php, .css, and .info file)

Initially, both of these concepts were both simply called "layouts", which led to confusion as to which concept applied.

In Backdrop 1.30.0, hook_layout_info(), which allows modules to create additional Layout templates, was renamed to hook_layout_template_info() to clarify that the hook applies to templates, not to configuration.

Prior to Backdrop 1.30.0:

function mymodule_layout_info() {
$layout_templates['my_layout_template'] = array(
'title' => t('A custom layout template'),
'path' => 'layouts/my-layout-template',
'regions' => array(
'header' => t('Header'),
'content' => t('Content'),
'sidebar' => t('Sidebar'),
'footer' => t('Footer'),
// Optional information that populates using defaults.
'preview' => 'preview.png',
'stylesheets' => array('all' => array('one-column.css')),
'template' => 'layout--my-layout-template',
// Specify a file containing preprocess functions if needed.
'file' => 'my_layout_template.php',
return $layout_templates;

Backdrop 1.30.0 and higher:

(This is exactly the same except _template has been added to the function name:

function mymodule_layout_template_info() {
$layout_templates['my_layout_template'] = array(
'title' => t('A custom layout template'),
'path' => 'layouts/my-layout-template',
'regions' => array(
'header' => t('Header'),
'content' => t('Content'),
'sidebar' => t('Sidebar'),
'footer' => t('Footer'),
// Optional information that populates using defaults.
'preview' => 'preview.png',
'stylesheets' => array('all' => array('one-column.css')),
'template' => 'layout--my-layout-template',
// Specify a file containing preprocess functions if needed.
'file' => 'my_layout_template.php',
return $layout_templates;

Note that the old hook_layout_info() (and hook_layout_info_alter()) continue to work but they are deprecated. They will be removed in Backdrop 2.x.

Introduced in branch: 
Introduced in version: 
Module developers