Second Parameter $config_name removed from config_uninstall_config()

The public API function for removing a module's installed configuration, config_uninstall_config(), has removed the second parameter for $config_name. This parameter was documented as being able to remove a single configuration file, but in practice it had no effect and all configuration for the given module were uninstalled. Because this parameter had no effect and suitable alternatives already exist for deleting a configuration file, the parameter was removed. If needing to delete a single configuration file, $config->delete() may be used instead, which works in all versions of Backdrop.

Broken API Removed in Backdrop 1.30.0:

// Delete a single configuration file (this does not work!):
config_uninstall_config('mymodule', 'mymodule.settings');

Suggested API usable in all versions of Backdrop:

// Delete a single configuration file:
$config = config('mymodule.settings');
// Or delete a configuration file in a single line:
// Delete all configuration files provided by a module:
Introduced in branch: 
Introduced in version: 
Module developers