1 node_type_example.test | public NodeTypeExampleTest::testBodyLabel() |
Checks whether the body label is "Example description."
- modules/
examples/ node_type_example/ tests/ node_type_example.test, line 86 - Simpletest case for the Node Type Example module.
- NodeTypeExampleTest
- Functionality tests for The Node Type Example module.
public function testBodyLabel() {
$account = $this->backdropCreateUser(array('access content', 'create node_type_example content'));
// Request a node add node-example page.
// Test whether the body label is "Example description"; use
// $this->assertRaw to check for the body label and not some other text.
$this->assertResponse(200, 'node/add/node-type-example page found');
$this->assertRaw('<label for="edit-body-und-0-value">Example description</label>', "The body label is 'Example description'");