1 form_example_elements.inc | form_example_phonenumber_discrete_validate($element, &$form_state) |
Validation handler for the discrete version of the phone number.
Uses regular expressions to check that:
- the area code is a three digit number.
- the prefix is numeric 3-digit number.
- the extension is a numeric 4-digit number.
Any problems are shown on the form element using form_error().
- modules/
examples/ form_example/ form_example_elements.inc, line 270 - This is an example demonstrating how a module can define custom form and render elements.
function form_example_phonenumber_discrete_validate($element, &$form_state) {
if (isset($element['#value']['areacode'])) {
if (0 == preg_match('/^\d{3}$/', $element['#value']['areacode'])) {
form_error($element['areacode'], t('The area code is invalid.'));
if (isset($element['#value']['prefix'])) {
if (0 == preg_match('/^\d{3}$/', $element['#value']['prefix'])) {
form_error($element['prefix'], t('The prefix is invalid.'));
if (isset($element['#value']['extension'])) {
if (0 == preg_match('/^\d{4}$/', $element['#value']['extension'])) {
form_error($element['extension'], t('The extension is invalid.'));
return $element;