1 field_permission_example.test public FieldTestPermissionsExample::testFieldnoteViewPerms()

Test view permissions.


modules/examples/field_permission_example/tests/field_permission_example.test, line 430
Tests for Field Permission Example.




public function testFieldnoteViewPerms() {
  // We create two sets of content so we can get a few
  // test cases out of the way.
  $view_own_content = $this->randomName(23);
  $view_any_content = $this->randomName(23);
  $view_own_node = $this->createFieldContentForUser(NULL, $view_own_content);
  // Get the type of the node so we can create another one.
  $node_type = node_type_load($view_own_node->type);
  $view_any_node = $this->createFieldContentForUser(NULL, $view_any_content, $node_type);

  // There should be a node now, with some lovely content, but it's the wrong
  // user for the view-own test.
  $view_own_account = $this->backdropCreateUser(array(
    'view own fieldnote',
  debug("Created user with 'view own fieldnote' permission.");

  // Now change the user id for the test node.
  $view_own_node = node_load($view_own_node->nid);
  $view_own_node->uid = $view_own_account->uid;
  $view_own_node = node_load($view_own_node->nid);
  $this->assertTrue($view_own_node->uid == $view_own_account->uid, 'New user assigned to node.');

  // Now we want to look at the page with the field and
  // check that we can see it.

  $this->backdropGet('node/' . $view_own_node->nid);
  // Check that the field content is present.
  $output_strings = $this->xpath("//div[contains(@class,'stickynote')]/text()");
  $this->assertEqual((string) reset($output_strings), $view_own_content);
  debug("'view own fieldnote' can view own field.");

  // This account shouldn't be able to see the field on the
  // 'view any' node.
  $this->backdropGet('node/' . $view_any_node->nid);
  // Check that the field content is not present.
  $output_strings = $this->xpath("//div[contains(@class,'stickynote')]/text()");
  $this->assertNotEqual((string) reset($output_strings), $view_any_content);
  debug("'view own fieldnote' cannot view other field.");

  // Now, to test for 'view any fieldnote' we create another user
  // with that permission, and try to look at the same node.
  $view_any_account = $this->backdropCreateUser(array(
    'view any fieldnote',
  debug("Created user with 'view any fieldnote' permission.");
  // This account should be able to see the field on the
  // 'view any' node.
  $this->backdropGet('node/' . $view_any_node->nid);
  // Check that the field content is present.
  $output_strings = $this->xpath("//div[contains(@class,'stickynote')]/text()");
  $this->assertEqual((string) reset($output_strings), $view_any_content);
  debug("'view any fieldnote' can view other field.");