1 field_permission_example.module _field_permission_example_page()

A simple page to explain to the developer what to do.

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modules/examples/field_permission_example/field_permission_example.module, line 313
Hook implementations for the Field Permission Example module.


function _field_permission_example_page() {
  $page = t("<p>The Field Permission Example module shows how you can restrict view and edit permissions within your field implementation. It adds a new field type called Fieldnote. Fieldnotes appear as simple text boxes on the create/edit form, and as sticky notes when viewed. By 'sticky note' we mean 'Post-It Note' but that's a trademarked term.</p><p>To see this field in action, add it to a content type or user profile. Go to the permissions page (");
  $page .= l(t('admin/config/people/permissions'), 'admin/config/people/permissions');
  $page .= t(") and look at the 'Field Permission Example' section. This allows you to change which roles can see and edit Fieldnote fields.</p><p>Creating different users with different capabilities will let you see these behaviors in action. Fieldnote helpfully displays a message telling you which permissions it is trying to resolve for the current field/user combination.</p><p>Definitely look through the code to see various implementation details.</p>");
  return $page;