1 ajax_example_progressbar.inc | ajax_example_progressbar_progress($time) |
Get the progress bar execution status as JSON.
This is the menu handler for examples/ajax_example/progressbar/progress/$time.
This function is our wholly arbitrary job that we're checking the status for. In this case, we're reading a system variable that is being updated by ajax_example_progressbar_callback().
We set up the AJAX progress bar to check the status every second, so this will execute about once every second.
The progress bar JavaScript accepts two values: message and percentage. We set those in an array and in the end convert it JSON for sending back to the client-side JavaScript.
int $time: The timestamp.
See also
- modules/
examples/ ajax_example/ ajax_example_progressbar.inc, line 66 - Progress bar example.
function ajax_example_progressbar_progress($time) {
$progress = array(
'message' => t('Starting execute...'),
'percentage' => -1,
$completed_percentage = tempstore_get('ajax_example', 'progressbar_' . $time);
if ($completed_percentage) {
$progress['message'] = t('Executing...');
$progress['percentage'] = $completed_percentage;