1 action_example.test public ActionExampleTestCase::testActionExample()

Test Action Example.

1. action_example_basic_action: Configure an action_example_basic_action to execute from a form submit function. 2. action_example_unblock_user_action: Configure a User action to be executed from a Views bulk operations form. 3. action_example_node_unpublish_action: Configure a Node action to be executed from a Views bulk operations form.


modules/examples/action_example/tests/action_example.test, line 31
test file for action_example module.


Default test case for the action_example module.


public function testActionExample() {
  // Create an administrative user.
  $admin_user = $this->backdropCreateUser(
    'access comments',
    'access content',
    'post comments',
    'skip comment approval',
    'create post content',
    'access user profiles',
    'administer users',
    'administer account settings',
    'view own unpublished content',

  // 1. Submit the simple action form and see if it puts the message on the
  // screen.
  $this->backdropPost('examples/action_example/basic', array(), t('Execute'));

  $this->assertText(t('action_example_basic_action fired'));

  // 2. Unblock user from a Views list.
  $normal_user = $this->backdropCreateUser();
  // Create blocked user.
  $normal_user->status = 0;
  $normal_user = user_load($normal_user->uid, TRUE);
  $this->assertFalse($normal_user->status, 'Normal user status has been set to blocked');

  $edit = array(
    'bulk_form[0]' => 1,
    'action' => 'action_example_unblock_user_action',
  $this->backdropPost('examples/ajax_example/actions-example-user-list', $edit, t('Execute'));
  $this->assertRaw(t('Unblocked user %name', array('%name' => $normal_user->name)));

  $normal_user = user_load($normal_user->uid, TRUE);
  $this->assertTrue($normal_user->status, 'Normal user status has been set to unblocked');

  // 3. Unpublish a node from a Views list.
  $node = $this->backdropCreateNode(array(
    'type' => 'page',
    'uid' => $admin_user->uid,
  $edit = array(
    'bulk_form[2]' => 1,
    'action' => 'action_example_node_unpublish_action',
  $this->backdropPost('examples/ajax_example/actions-example-node-list', $edit, t('Execute'));
  $this->assertRaw(t('Set Page %title unpublished', array('%title' => $node->title)));