1 action_example.module _action_example_page()

A simple page to explain to the developer what to do.

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modules/examples/action_example/action_example.module, line 142
Hook implementations for the Action Example module.


function _action_example_page() {

  $markup = t('The Action Example provides three example actions. The Basic Action is executed by a simple form. The User and Node actions are demonstrated using a sample Bulk Operations View.<br/>Create at least one user and one node to use the Node and User actions.');

  $list[] = l(t('Basic Action'), 'examples/action_example/basic');
  $list[] = l(t('Node Action'), 'examples/ajax_example/actions-example-node-list');
  $list[] = l(t('User Action'), 'examples/ajax_example/actions-example-user-list');

  $variables['items'] = $list;
  $variables['type'] = 'ul';
  $markup .= theme('item_list', $variables);

  return $markup;