Namesort descending Description
Views access plugins @todo.
Views area handlers Handlers to tell Views what can display in header, footer and empty text in a view.
Views argument default plugins Allow specialized methods of filling in arguments when they aren't provided.
Views argument handlers Handlers to tell Views how to contextually filter queries.
Views argument validate plugins Allow specialized methods of validating arguments.
Views cache plugins @todo.
Views display plugins Display plugins control how Views interact with the rest of Backdrop.
Views exposed form plugins Plugins that handle the validation/submission and rendering of exposed forms.
Views field handlers Handlers to tell Views how to build and display fields.
Views filter handlers Handlers to tell Views how to filter queries.
Views hooks Hooks that can be implemented by other modules in order to implement the Views API.
Views join handlers Handlers to tell Views how to join tables together.
Views localization plugins @todo.
Views module handlers Handlers exposed by various modules to Views.
Views pager plugins @todo.
Views query plugins A Views query plugin builds SQL to execute using the Backdrop database API.
Views relationship handlers Handlers to tell Views how to create alternate relationships.
Views row plugins Row plugins control how Views outputs an individual record.
Views sort handlers Handlers to tell Views how to sort queries.
Views style plugins Style plugins control how a view is rendered. For example, they can choose to display a collection of fields, node_view() output, table output, or any kind of crazy output they want.
Views template files All views templates can be overridden with a variety of names, using the view, the display ID of the view, the display type of the view, or some combination thereof.
