File namesort descending Location Description core/modules/date/views/ Helper for identifying Date API fields for views. core/modules/date/views/ A flexible, configurable date filter. This filter combines multiple date filters into a single filter where all fields are controlled by the same date and can be combined with either AND or OR. core/modules/date/views/ A standard Views filter for a single date field, using Date API form selectors and sql handling. core/modules/date/views/ Date views pager plugin. core/modules/dblog/ Admin page callbacks for the Database Logging module.
dblog.css core/modules/dblog/css/dblog.css Admin styles for the Database Logging module. core/modules/dblog/ type = module name = Database Logging description = Logs and records system events to the database. package = Development tags[] = Logging version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x
dblog.install core/modules/dblog/dblog.install Install, update and uninstall functions for the dblog module.
dblog.module core/modules/dblog/dblog.module System monitoring and logging for administrators.
dblog.test core/modules/dblog/tests/dblog.test Tests for dblog.module. core/modules/dblog/tests/ [DBLogTestCase] name = DBLog functionality description = Generate events and verify dblog entries; verify user access to log reports based on permissions. group = DBLog file = dblog.test
de.php core/includes/transliteration/de.php core/modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Dependency test 1" description = "Test module for checking dependencies." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
dependency_test1.module core/modules/simpletest/tests/dependency_test1.module core/modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Dependency test 2" description = "Test module for checking dependencies." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
dependency_test2.module core/modules/simpletest/tests/dependency_test2.module core/modules/simpletest/tests/ name = "Dependency test 3" description = "Test module for checking dependencies." package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module backdrop = 1.x hidden = TRUE
dependency_test3.module core/modules/simpletest/tests/dependency_test3.module core/modules/system/tests/deprecated_redirect_test/ name = "Deprecated Redirect Test" description = "Testing module to confirm deprecated paths can redirect to new paths." backdrop = 1.x package = Testing version = BACKDROP_VERSION type = module hidden = TRUE
deprecated_redirect_test.module core/modules/system/tests/deprecated_redirect_test/deprecated_redirect_test.module
dialog.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/dialog.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support…
dialog.css core/themes/basis/css/component/dialog.css jQuery UI dialog styles.
dialog.css core/misc/ckeditor/plugins/dialog/styles/dialog.css .cke_dialog_open { overflow: hidden; } .cke_dialog_container { position: fixed; overflow-y: auto; overflow-x: auto; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10010; } .cke_dialog_body { position: relative; }
dialog.theme.css core/misc/dialog.theme.css /** * Presentational styles for Backdrop dialogs. */ .ui-dialog { position: absolute; z-index: 1260; overflow: visible; color: #000; background: #fff; border: solid 1px #ccc; padding: 0; } .ui-dialog .ui-dialog-titlebar { …
dialog_ie.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/dialog_ie.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support…
dialog_ie8.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/dialog_ie8.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support…
dialog_iequirks.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/dialog_iequirks.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support… core/includes/ A PHP diff engine for phpwiki. (Taken from phpwiki-1.3.3)
dk.php core/includes/transliteration/dk.php
dropbutton.css core/misc/dropbutton.css Base styles for dropbuttons.
dropbutton.theme.css core/misc/dropbutton.theme.css General styles for dropbuttons.
drupal-7.language.database.php core/modules/simpletest/tests/upgrade/drupal-7.language.database.php Database additions for language tests. Used in upgrade.language.test. core/includes/ Contains class and interface wrappers for Drupal 7.x compatibility. core/includes/ Contains constants and function wrappers for Drupal 7.x compatibility. core/scripts/ Dump a Drupal 7 database into a Drupal 7 PHP script to test the upgrade process.
editor.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/editor.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support…
editor.css core/themes/bartik/css/editor.css /** * Styles to be included within the rich-text editor. */ body { line-height: 1.5; font-size: 87.5%; font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", Times, serif; } a:link, a:visited { text-decoration: none; } a:hover, a:active, a:focus…
editor_gecko.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/editor_gecko.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support…
editor_ie.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/editor_ie.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support…
editor_ie8.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/editor_ie8.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support…
editor_iequirks.css core/misc/ckeditor/skins/moono-lisa/editor_iequirks.css /* Copyright (c) 2003-2023, CKSource Holding sp. z o.o. All rights reserved. CKEditor 4 LTS ("Long Term Support") is available under the terms of the Extended Support… core/modules/email/ type = module name = Email description = Defines an email field type. package = Fields tags[] = Mail tags[] = Content version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x
email.install core/modules/email/email.install Defines schema for email fields
email.module core/modules/email/email.module Module file for the email module, which creates an email address field.
email.test core/modules/email/tests/email.test core/modules/email/tests/ [EmailFieldTestCase] name = Email field description = Tests email field functionality. group = Field types file = email.test modules/examples/email_example/ name = Email Example description = Demonstrate how to use the email APIs. package = Example modules version = BACKDROP_VERSION backdrop = 1.x type = module
email_example.module modules/examples/email_example/email_example.module Hook implementations for the Email Example module.
email_example.test modules/examples/email_example/tests/email_example.test Simpletest case for email_example module. modules/examples/email_example/tests/ [EmailExampleTestCase] name = Email example functionality description = Verify email submission using the contact form. group = Example modules file = email_example.test
