- <?php
- * @file
- * Definition of views_handler_filter_fields_compare.
- */
- * A handler to filter a view using fields comparison.
- *
- * @ingroup views_filter_handlers
- */
- class views_handler_filter_fields_compare extends views_handler_filter {
- function can_expose() {
- return FALSE;
- }
- * Overrides views_handler_filter#option_definition().
- */
- function option_definition() {
- $options = parent::option_definition();
- $options['left_field'] = $options['right_field'] = array('default' => '');
- return $options;
- }
- * Provide a list of all operators.
- */
- function fields_operator_options() {
- return array(
- '<' => t('Is less than'),
- '<=' => t('Is less than or equal to'),
- '=' => t('Is equal to'),
- '<>' => t('Is not equal to'),
- '>=' => t('Is greater than or equal to'),
- '>' => t('Is greater than')
- );
- }
- * Provide a list of available fields.
- */
- function field_options() {
- $options = array();
- $field_handlers = $this->view->display_handler->get_handlers('field');
- foreach ($field_handlers as $field => $handler) {
- if ($handler->table != 'views') {
- $options[$field] = $handler->ui_name();
- }
- }
- return $options;
- }
- * Overrides views_handler_filter#options_form().
- */
- function options_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
- parent::options_form($form, $form_state);
- $field_options = $this->field_options();
- $form['left_field'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Left field'),
- '#default_value' => $this->options['left_field'],
- '#options' => $field_options,
- '#weight' => -3,
- );
- $form['operator'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Operator'),
- '#default_value' => $this->options['operator'],
- '#options' => $this->fields_operator_options(),
- '#weight' => -2,
- );
- $form['right_field'] = array(
- '#type' => 'select',
- '#title' => t('Right field'),
- '#default_value' => $this->options['right_field'],
- '#options' => $field_options,
- '#weight' => -1,
- );
- }
- * Overrides views_handler_filter#query().
- *
- * Build extra condition from existing fields (from existing joins).
- */
- function query() {
- $left = $this->options['left_field'];
- $right = $this->options['right_field'];
- $field_handlers = $this->view->display_handler->get_handlers('field');
- if (!isset($field_handlers[$left], $field_handlers[$right])) {
- return;
- }
- $left_handler = $field_handlers[$left];
- $left_handler->set_relationship();
- $left_table_alias = $this->query->ensure_table($left_handler->table, $left_handler->relationship);
- $right_handler = $field_handlers[$right];
- $right_handler->set_relationship();
- $right_table_alias = $this->query->ensure_table($right_handler->table, $right_handler->relationship);
- $snippet =
- $left_table_alias . '.' . $left_handler->real_field .
- ' ' . $this->options['operator'] . ' ' .
- $right_table_alias . '.' . $right_handler->real_field;
- $this->query->add_where_expression($this->options['group'], $snippet);
- }
- * Overrides views_handler_filter#admin_summary().
- */
- function admin_summary() {
- return check_plain(
- $this->options['left_field'] . ' ' .
- $this->options['operator'] . ' ' .
- $this->options['right_field']
- );
- }
- }