Note: this list is generated by looking for the string for this theme hook, so it may include some references that are not actually using this theme hook.
- DashboardUpdateBlock::getContent in core/
modules/ dashboard/ includes/ - Return the content of a block.
- DashboardUpdateBlock::getContent in core/
modules/ dashboard/ includes/ - Return the content of a block.
- installer_manager_update_form in core/
modules/ installer/ - Form constructor for the update form of the Installer module.
- installer_manager_update_form in core/
modules/ installer/ - Form constructor for the update form of the Installer module.
- theme_update_manager_update_form in core/
modules/ update/ - Returns HTML for the first page in the process of updating projects.
- theme_update_report in core/
modules/ update/ - Returns HTML for the project status report.
- update_cron in core/
modules/ update/ update.module - Implements hook_cron().
- update_theme in core/
modules/ update/ update.module - Implements hook_theme().
- update_uninstall in core/
modules/ update/ update.install - Implements hook_uninstall().
- _update_process_fetch_task in core/
modules/ update/ - Processes a task to fetch available update data for a single project.