- UpdateCoreTestCase::testNormalUpdateAvailable in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ update.test - Tests the Update Manager module when one normal update is available.
- UpdateCoreTestCase::testNormalUpdateAvailable in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ update.test - Tests the Update Manager module when one normal update is available.
- UpdateCoreTestCase::testSecurityUpdateAvailable in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ update.test - Tests the Update Manager module when a security update is available.
- UpdateCoreTestCase::testSecurityUpdateAvailable in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ update.test - Tests the Update Manager module when a security update is available.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateContribBasic in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ update.test - Tests the basic functionality of a contrib module on the status report.
- UpdateTestContribCase::testUpdateContribBasic in core/
modules/ update/ tests/ update.test - Tests the basic functionality of a contrib module on the status report.